EndreWhiteMane: Someday I'll have to do an accurate comparison of Preserves, Jam, Jelly, Jello and Fruit Roll-ups/Gummy Bears.
All different products and all can be very good when used in an informed manner.
For now would you please hand me a glass of that water? It goes with my complexion. :-)
Hey, hello Endre !
**Huge Gummy Bear hug**
ddickinson: Well that is me done for the day, I have a few things to do before my partner gets home. I actually managed to read most of my book today with no real problems, so that is a promising sign. Well, not really that good a sign, but it is something I have not been able to do that well lately.
I hope you all have a good day!
*hugs and silly waves*
Have a great restful evening, lovely DD !!
See you later **big tight happy hug**