CarrionCrow: Serves them right for not having tactical flexibility.
I started actually winning against invaders when I stopped trying to backstab them and just used the ultra greatsword basic swing. It's huge, heavy as hell and breaks guard. the only problem is you tire very fast, but if you can hit him once at full endurance, you stun lock him and he's basically fucked.
I have a tendency to make all my characters berserk builds. Even when I try not to. My last runs I even went "shield-less", because I'm suicidal like that. But two handing that HUEG-ASS sword obliterates everything in its path with just a few hits.
superstande: wow... time passes quickly with a good game ... a few slow-paced battles... and an hour and a half passed?!
Ixamyakxim: Whatcha playin' whatcha playin' ???
I'd wager, somethig turn based.
I just saw
<span class="bold">THIS</span> I have the urge to kill someone.