akhliber: DD, I hope you get some good rest and that you get some good test results soon! I hope it wasn't Barium you had to drink... such... delicious stuff... ;)
I hope they left you with with at least a little blood! Have a lovely day!
The pup is ready to play some, I may try to catch up a bit more from my tablet outside. Some of you have witnessed what happens when I try that, so I'll go ahead and ask forgiveness for any formatting nightmares to come. ;)
Hello! Sorry I missed you, I actually find it quite hard keeping up so I tend to miss people.
Thank you, I hopefully will get some decent rest tonight. It was indeed, lovely stuff isn't it. I had some other stuff as well, and some had to be injected, which was all fun. I was kind of expecting to be glowing in the dark after it all, but no luck. :-)
I have enough blood to sit on my butt and chat on here, so it's okay. They did not take too much really, but a lot considering it was just tests and not blood donation.
I hope you have a lovely day with the little pup, and that you and your lovely wife have a great weekend!
*big hug*