AgentBirdnest: It usually is anti-American, yes ;-)
I'd be very interested to see more games where you play as other countries fighting America. It might be a nice change in perspective.
Blame the Moomins for the Jello, and ElT for everything else :-p
I had a nice talk with ELT before about how good it would be to have a Call of Duty (1-2)/Medal of Honour type game where you play as the Axis forces against the allies. It would give so many new angles and possibilities. You could start as the Germans invading Europe, then during their fighting retreat back to Berlin. You could do the Normandy landings from the bunkers, trying to defend them then falling back, things like that. True it would remove usual American focused gameplay and often arrogance, but it would be a fun game, with quite a nice take on things. But I guess it would not happen, especially not from US developers who would probably get a lot of bother highlighting the enemy and killing US soldiers and things. But it would be interesting to play a game where you know that in the end you will lose, yet you keep on fighting.
But ELT is German, not American. Who is the American version of ELT? :-)
moonshineshadow: *mutter* No hugs for you and the ex-blob!
That is not fair, I never compared it to a manga. :-)
*hugs Moon even though Moon won't hug back*
toxicTom: More rape? A Song of Ice and Fire had enough of that to last me a lifetime. And I've only read the first three books so far.
And another reason why I won't give those books a second chance. :-)