j0ekerr: Mainly, but not entirely. The God Emperor's finest are also there (and only there I may add). Are you a heretic that needs purging? I have already contacted the inquisition and they will arrive shortly to verify wheter you are chaos tainted. Please do not move from your location, since this would prove your guilt by default and you will be purged by holy bolter fire to the head on sight.
The EMPRAH protects.
adaliabooks: While I'm tempted by Dawn of War 2 (I absolutely loved the first one), the price is still far too high for me :/
Shame we couldn't get them here (and the old GW games)
You'll be disappointed if you expect more of the same. DOW2 focuses more on skirmishes with smaller squads and puts a bigger emphasis on customization of the individual units of said squads. It's more tactical than strategic. If you were hoping to unleash a mighty WAAAAGH on those pansy eldar with a tide of green meat, I'm sorry but you'll have to stick to the first one.
My advice, wait to see if it comes out in a daily. And if it does, then grab it like a Khornate grabbing a battle axe.
We are the spehss mahrens! WE ARE THE EMPRA'S FUREH!