penumbren: Did you see the link I left for you originally? ;)
My main annoyance with Hatred is that it looks like a boring POS game. People freaked out over the concept and made judgments on that, but after watching LPs online, I think it would bore the crap out of me within ten minutes. It always astounds me that people who have no issue with blood and guts and detailed torture scenes and murders freak right out over T&A, let alone full-blown nudity.
And yes, I saw the announcement for that game. Looks like it could be entertaining; HuniePop certainly is.
(Sorry, I'm still irritated over getting some homophobic crap on my Facebook wall from a family member. ARGH. Keep your small-minded hatred and fear to yourself, thanks very much.)
Yes, you frigging sadist, I did. That's what brought on my comment about any deity around being a total asshole.
Agreed. If I can come up with more explicitly violent ideas sitting here twiddling my thumbs on a random day, your effort to somehow shock me has failed utterly.
As for the sex versus violence thing, a lot of it can come down to a quasi-culture that still has the kind of puritanical bullshit that an origin in repressive religion can provide.
Killing people? Shit, that's nothing new, it's only been happening for millenia now. They couldn't prove that their imaginary friend has the bigger dick without it, evidently.
But nudity?
NO NO NO NO! HARMFUL AND SHAMEFUL! (Unless it, you know, involves your multiple wives. Or the small child you've been molesting. Or the prostitute you've been sucking off in a bathroom stall. Or the strippers you've been paying. Or the women you've been raping who don't have the same imaginary friend as you. Then it's okay.)
Yes, I started playing earlier, and it's been enjoyable. The core of it does a good job of combining timed puzzles with match-3 along with a surprising bit of memorization and resource management. Looking forward to what their next offering looks like.
No need to apologize. Stuff like that is one of the many reasons I don't have Facebook.