akhliber: Good lord. I leave the thread for a little while to go pick up my dog, and when I come back there are strippers and beer bottles all over the place.
It's kind of a good look for this thread, now that I've let it sink in a minute. Can someone hand me a cold one? With the day my wife had at work, she may be interested in a cold on and a couple of those strippers.
Wait... did I just crash a party? I'm not even the party sort... you're all a bunch of horrible, awful influences. ;)
yes, yes we are. But you, according to you tag, are easily persuaded by peer pressure. *gives akhliber a beer and a handful of strippers*
CarrionCrow: Note to self - either upgrade ranged combat skills in Dex, or forget them immediately. Using a gun right now is like wearing a sign that says "Please beat me to death while I slooooooowly shoot and reload".
there you go!