NoNewTaleToTell: Sorting through the spells available to buy in the early game of Dragonfall, I'm getting the idea that pure mages are going to be very underpowered. The only offensive spell that doesn't have a cooldown does a whopping 6 damage. the other offensive spells are fairly unimpressive anyway compared to their weapon counterparts, making the cooldown a killer. Yikes. Maybe I'll end up using a Rifleslinger build after all.
Oh hey wasn't I playing Risen 2? Totally forgot about that game...oh and Baldur's Gate too. Eek.
Hey there superstande! How do you like Albion beyond the grinding?
I play mages as area of effect destroyers. They aren't going to pack the consistent punch of a samurai, but between haste spells on the samurai, a heal spell to put people back together in the event of a mishap, area of effect fire that does damage over time and area effect lightning that stuns enemies while hurting them, mages are still useful.
superstande: Ah.. managed to cancel my post... need more coffee :D
Good Morning!
gonna go traveling today, back in the evening... A family dinner in Helsinki and all that... :)
Thinking of grabbing Chroma Squad, even though there's no sale. I have a strange craving for this game :)
Also progressed in Albion a bit before falling asleep last night, but man there's a pile of grinding hours until I can beat another area, I just know it...
Alrighty... ah and final oldie tip: - Spin City! :)
Good morning. =) Hope you have a safe trip and a good time when you get there.
It's okay. I won't judge you being in the mood to put on a brightly colored costume and act like a Power Ranger. ;)
Gotta love when that happens. That "the level is going to slaughter me" feeling.
Ixamyakxim: Odd I remembered being REALLY interested in mages in Shadowrun Returns, but I really neglected them (I might have brought along a hybrid mage a time or two but I used them more as a healer and pop shot type of character). Shaman was another class I thought would be really interesting but again in the first game I sort of let them fall by the wayside.
I have yet to fire up Dragonfall despite being super excited when I picked it up! Despite usually having a total sketch of the character I want to play, for Dragonfall I have no idea yet. I had a good time with my Drone guy, high "face" skills and a smattering of decking the first go around (I think I called him "Dr. So and so" and played him as an educated professor type - some decent diplomacy interactions and a focus on being a bit of an elder and sophisticate - ended up fitting REALLY well with the noir qualities of the first game - "elite college professor by day, plying his talents in the seedy underworld by night" sort of feel"). I'll have to start this one sooner rather than later...
I *think* I just finished up Van Helsing 2 tonight. I ended up having a love-hate-hate relationship with the game. Has anyone here finished it? I *think* I beat it, ended up with some credits scrolling along and then eventually found my way back to my lair. There doesn't seem to be anywhere to go from here, but just in case I want to send this character along through the game again (new game plus or some such?) any idea of how to do that? Also, how do I access the "bonus" content? My game implies I have access to something called a "pigasus" (LOL :) ) - how do I get to that? How do I properly reinsert or restart my game with a current character? My skill tree lists skills I never even came close to learning so I'm guessing the game is meant to be replayed a time or two to reach higher levels but I'll be damned if I can figure out how just yet! Any pointers would be welcome!
Also note to self, I have to stop making requests at odd hours of the night. The Europeans are all well in bed and 8 out of 10 in the Americas sure aren't on GoG just about now LOL ;)
Shamans seem to get the short end of the stick, power-wise. The acid spell is their bread and butter, so many things besides are specialty spells.
That does mesh well with the universe, since a lot of shadowrunners start out in legit jobs, but end up in their current occupation for whatever reason.
There should be an import button somewhere, or maybe try starting a new game at a higher difficulty and seeing if it'll let you start again with your old character.