ddickinson: It is never too late. There is always hope. We will never let the Barry occult rule the world, especially with old graphics like that. :-)
Hello, little blob! *big hug*
How are you, have you had a nice day?
I can't speak for everyone, but for me at least you don't have to worry about me taking things the wrong way. Even if I did I would just ask and we would clear it up. So no need to worry too much.
Only cheer? I am planning fireworks and explosions for when she gets back. How about you be in charge of the big fires? :-)
*big hug*
I guess it must be worse for Americans with all the horrible shows, as you make most of the stuff and so you are exposed to it all. We get some over in Europe, but not all. movies are different, they usually go everywhere, but much of the TV stuff stays in the US for the most part. i guess there is just so much made that other countries can't take it all and have their own stuff. And I may be rambling and making no sense. I am getting a bit overwhelmed with keeping up on here so if I am not making much sense them I apologise. :-)
Outside of going to the gym today and sweated more than a pig in a hot summer afternoon,I'm fine and I shall hug you and snuggle you.
FearfulSymmetry: All right everyone, my eyes are really starting to hurt so I suppose I should call it a day. See you all later! :)
But EA also owns part of them, and I suppose they might not want to cooperate ... But still, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. :P
You just wait! *prepares the world for the arrival of overlord Barry Potter*
Yep! It's quite fun to get better at things you used to suck at. :P But I sometimes have problems going back to games as well, so I do understand you.
I loved the Two Towers LOTR game. Still own that as well and recently beat it again. :P
Time to hug you.*italian hug*