Posted September 29, 2015
Stilton: Hi, Mr Nest (are we in Reservoir Dogs?)
I'm OK. I've got a palpitation/throat tickle thing going on which is interesting. Hope its not a heart atTAAAAACCKKK!!!! AAAAARRRRGHHHHHHH HEEEEELP!!!
...its OK, I'm still here ;-)
This non-peanut butter regime of yours sounds terrifying - how are you coping (and why are you doing it anyway?)
AgentBirdnest: Yeah! Put on your cool sunglasses B-| I'm OK. I've got a palpitation/throat tickle thing going on which is interesting. Hope its not a heart atTAAAAACCKKK!!!! AAAAARRRRGHHHHHHH HEEEEELP!!!
...its OK, I'm still here ;-)
This non-peanut butter regime of yours sounds terrifying - how are you coping (and why are you doing it anyway?)
*initiates Heimlich Maneuver* (because I failed my health class :-p) ... I hope that interesting thing will leave you alone, or I'll have to burn it to the ground.
It is easy to cope with no peanut butter. I just have to stuff everything I eat into jars then eat it with a spoon ;-)
I'm trying it because I had a suspicion that it could be causing or aggravating my chronic nausea. The nausea is no better without peanut butter (thankfully :-p), but my goal was to avoid eating any until October, and I hate breaking goals. So... 2 more days :-)