AgentBirdnest: Ho... Hope you will start feeling better. You sound like the total opposite of me. I'm good for like 6 colds a year, but they
don't really count :-p ... That's good that you figured the medication is the problem for Sarge. Hope he will feel much better too :-)
(and you are a badass for being in your avatar :-))
AgentBirdnest: Thanks! I was like that when I was younger, for some reason. I'd get sick several times a year, but it was always really mild and would pass in a matter of a couple days. I was thinking the timing of his getting sick was a coincidence last month, but this is the third time overall I've noticed he's gotten sick over the days following that medication. Glad to know the there are other available meds that are likely to be easier on his system (I checked with the vet last month, as I was suspicious of the Sentinel then)
I love the pic! As for mine, I almost immediately regretted changing my avatar, mainly because I'm always afraid if other people change theirs I'll lose track of who they are, and a bit just from feeling exposed, but seeing everyone post their pics helped remove the latter, which shouldn't be an issue anyway, as I have no shame. :)
I kind of miss my headphone avatar though. I guess if I go back to a pic of headphones, though, it should be the pair I'm actually currently using. ;)
CarrionCrow: Fuck, I hate cameras. -laughs-
You sound like me when I was on vacation a couple weeks ago. Hadn't broken out the camera in years (well, aside from occasional crap shots with a phone, which I don't really consider a camera) and was incredibly excited, and then I started looking at all the damn buttons and knobs and numbers. Instant love/hate relationship renewal. :)
FearfulSymmetry: Ha, are we sharing pictures? Sounds fun, I'd love to see what you all look like! I don't really want to put my picture out on the forum, but I'd be fine sending it over PM if any of the regulars are curious. :p
I'm really enjoying getting to see everyone's faces, if you are still in the sharing mood. And in any case, I hope you are doing well!