XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hey DD, just check you chat please? :)
ddickinson: Thank you for the lovely offer of a gift. Sorry my DRM reluctance hindered that. But I hope you find a more worthy recipient for the gift.
toxicTom: Still enjoying it, if I can find the time. It's strange - I'd never though after ~25 years of gaming some game could be that impressive and enthralling to me. There are so many things to love about this game, it would fill pages to list them.
I think the most important thing is that the game really has
soul, and that you can really feel the love and obsession and hard work people have put in it. Very unusual for an AAA title - most of the time only small-team (or single dev) indie games convey this feeling nowadays.
ddickinson: I am glad to hear you are enjoying the game. I know many people are very happy with how the game turned out, despite the issues with the downgraded graphics and the simplified controls. It's nice to hear that a developer is still willing to put a lot of passion into a game, rather than just a broken mess designed to look pretty but offer no real gameplay.
CarrionCrow: You and your partner being angry is completely understandable. Not only is the person a piece of shit, they're a weaselly, spineless piece of shit who'd rather lie to save their own ass than be honest about how they feel.
Yeah...Paradox games aren't really known for having the most gentle of learning curves. Not much point in spending money on things you won't play due to their ability to drive you insane.
Additional - Think it's time to grab some sleep since the sale was a bust.
Have a good day, everyone. =)
ddickinson: We are used to that kind of attitude. It's not something we run in to often, but it's nothing new. Sadly. It was amusing seeing him lie, knowing he had been stupid enough to make comments publicly and write them on official medical documents. I guess he was too arrogant to think he would get caught out.
I enjoy the Total War games, well up to Medieval 2, which was the last one I played. But there was not too much micro-management on that game, and it was broken up with nice bouts of epic battles and not just staring at the campaign map like I gather the Paradox games do. I just don't really have the patience these days for some game types, due to the limited time I have for gaming as it is.
Have a good night sleep. I hope you get lots of rest.
PalioDeMonte: What a dick - good to hear you got rid of him. But it's incredibly stupid to write something like that on medical documents and then trying to deny it. Sounds like some regular participant in the #gamergate-thread ;)
On the other hand it's always amusing for me as an outsider to see how deep those prejudices still are inside people. I'm regularly referred to as gay because of the way I dress, talk and behave. And when my wife dressed exclusively in men's clothes for two years some time ago people referred to her as a 'bull dyke'. So I think getting him sacked serves some educational purpose ;)
ddickinson: True, but then people with his kind of attitude are never really smart people. :-)
It is amusing how people are with things. I always enjoyed being told that I can't be in a relationship with my partner as we both look like women. Apparently to some guys one of us has to have short hair and be quite mannish. Then there are those that ask that since we are both just normal women then who is the man of the relationship. Which has always been a very strange comment to make. If we wanted a man in the relationship surely we would be with a man and not each other? I guess for many people they stick to the usual stereotypes, just as many people think all gay men are flamboyant or wear leather. Not that some aren't, but not everyone is the same. I have not heard the term "bull dyke" before, but then I am not really up on the terminology. People are just people to me, no matter who or what they are. Is bull similar to butch? Or is it some kind of super mega German butch lesbian, one that is so butch she is a bull? :-) (Sorry for the bad joke.)
j0ekerr: Which is as should be, there are few things I find as disgusting as victimized hypocrisy, he deserves whatever might happen to him.
DON'T even think of apologizing for that sort of thing, you have not soured anything, in my case I just got refilled with furnace hot rage, which is a natural state of being for me anyways. Besides the news already do a good enough job of ruining my day.
ddickinson: I am not really surprised he would try to get out of it, his type never do have the backbone to stand by their actions. I actually found it amusing, hearing him trying to deny it, despite his superior holding the notes he made and statements from some other nurses who overheard him. Then the race card just had me laughing. Not because it is funny, it's not, but because I have heard it (the minority card) being used so much these days. But the world has always been full of such hateful people. Hopefully he will get the punishment he deserves. But failing painful castration, losing his job will do instead. :-)
AgentBirdnest: Good point... I've dug my own grave with this spoon ):-\
Whenever you get around to trying it, you'll need a patch to install it on a 64-bit system. Plus, I've found that there is a framerate issue - it can be patched for Windows 8, but for other OS's you'll need to enable v-sync in your graphics card options. Here is
a nice little site that helps with any possible bugs, and tweaks for modern computers.
ddickinson: At least it was a tasty grave, full of peanut butter. :-)
Thank you for the link. I don't think I will be playing it anytime soon, but if I do I will be sure to let you know what I think.
What a fucking asshole your doctor for was. And having the gall to use the face card and lie to try to save his sorry ass,hope he gets what's coming to him.
Anyway,I'm back from jogging and the my girlfriend made a surprise to me. Coconut sweets and caramel toffers,all home made.