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PalioDeMonte: Well, we have the german word "Kampflesbe" (literally: fighting or battle dyke), and my program said "bull dyke" is a correct translation. It means something like 'lesbian agressively promoting her sexuality, hating men and being terribly political'. She looked like a butch, though.
On the other hand, most lesbians I know look - well - like women. Sometimes like short haired women. What else should they look, unless they really go drag?
I knew it, a Bull is aGerman Battle Lesbian. :-)

I think when people refer to lesbians looking like women they mean just like regular women, and not the butch type. People would be surprised if they knew how many regular looking women were in relationships with other women. So many sadly hide the fact due to how people react. And again, I see no problem with the "regular" woman or the "Butch" type. I would probably not get on with an overly aggressive person pushing their political and personal views on people, but that is due to the type of person, not their sexuality.
l0rdtr3k: *picks up Owl like an icecream cone*I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT!!!!
LOL :-D ... true.
ddickinson: Why just his car? I think you have become complacent while I was away. :-)
I think you might have needed to go back to the hospital to check stuff in a while, but, well ; if you don't, we can also burn the hospital to th ground ; then his house, and even his swimming pool ! \o/
Post edited September 04, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
EndreWhiteMane: I don't like lesbians because that means there are less beautiful women left for me.
Hi DD, welcome back sweetie. :-)
*huge but gentle hug*
But you get to use the terrible pick up lines about changing our minds about men, or that lovely one about curing us (I actually had that one once). Or there good old one about a threesome, despite the fact we clearly are not that into men. But bless you all, you guys certainly do try even when the cards are stacked against you. :-)

Good day, Endre!

How are you, how is the new medication?

*not so strong return hug*

AgentBirdnest: Maybe a swift kick in the nuts as well? (Speaking of which, has anyone seen Soccorro? :-p)
Why does a kick in the nuts remind you of Soccorro?

toxicTom: I'll be off in a few minutes, and call it <span class="bold">WEEKEND!!!</span>

Have a nice one, everybody :-)

*hugs and waves all around*
Have a great weekend!

*weekend hug*

LaPtiteBete: I think you might have needed to go back to the hospital to check stuff in a while, but, well ; if you don't, we can also burn the hospital to th ground ; then his house, and even his swimming pool ! \o/
He is not my doctor anymore, currently he is suspended. So no need to worry, burn all you want. But maybe just steal his car, you can keep it. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: I don't like lesbians because that means there are less beautiful women left for me.
Hi DD, welcome back sweetie. :-)
*huge but gentle hug*
And you don't even say hello to the rest of the band ? tssss... we are quickly replaced :-p
AgentBirdnest: Maybe a swift kick in the nuts as well? (Speaking of which, has anyone seen Soccorro? :-p)
You want to kick Soccorro in the nuts ??? ô__ô
toxicTom: I'll be off in a few minutes, and call it <span class="bold">WEEKEND!!!</span>

Have a nice one, everybody :-)

*hugs and waves all around*
Hoooo a little bunny...
Have a nice weekend, Toxic Tom !!! :)) Enjoy !!!
**Big happy hug**
ddickinson: He is not my doctor anymore, currently he is suspended. So no need to worry, burn all you want. But maybe just steal his car, you can keep it. :-)
Ho, yeah, good idea :D ... even a lame doctor must have many expensive cars... and they should be in better shape than my old personnal one (which loses some little plastic bits when I drive fast ^^) or than the owlet's dad one (which breaks down when you need it the most) ! ^^
Post edited September 04, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
I have a phantom update in my library. I wonder what game it will be?
ddickinson: I think some people just felt betrayed and that it was a console port, rather than a full PC game. Who knows, gamers complain about the most silly things. They will complain about the Witcher 3 graphics, but rave about some horrible "retro" 2D games graphics.
Yeah, true. Complainers will find things to complain about. And the game is no "console port", it was developed in parallel. Of course they had to make concessions to the consoles' limited capabilities. They didn't have the resources or manpower to develop the game three times from scratch. But it feels a lot less "console-y" than i.e. Skyrim. Even than Witcher 2.

ddickinson: At the end of the day, as long as people are happy and doing no harm, I don't care who or what they are, how they looks or dress, or who they love.
That's exactly my way of thinking. Live and let live. Actually I cherish diversity because it allows me to gain new perspectives and gives me reasons to question my own prejudices and attitudes.

ddickinson: But on a more serious note, and going back to my original comment. Are "Bull Dykes" super butch German lesbians? :-)
As Palio said above: that term describes masculine-looking, most (men) would say: unattractive and often "aggressively male hating" homosexual women. There are certainly some of that type, although I don't know any personally. Don't know if it's a German phenomenon. I think there are some old Nazi porn movies (made in Italy) that features characters like that ;-)
EndreWhiteMane: I don't like lesbians because that means there are less beautiful women left for me.
Hi DD, welcome back sweetie. :-)
*huge but gentle hug*
LaPtiteBete: And you don't even say hello to the rest of the band ? tssss... we are quickly replaced :-p
Sorry Little One, DD missed my post yesterday and I wanted to be sure she saw this one. ;)
Hello everyone, hope you're all doing great today!
ddickinson: I have a phantom update in my library. I wonder what game it will be?
In my case it turned out to be Race the Sun.
Post edited September 04, 2015 by toxicTom
toxicTom: I'll be off in a few minutes, and call it <span class="bold">WEEKEND!!!</span>

Have a nice one, everybody :-)

*hugs and waves all around*
What a cute bunny! Now I want one! :p
Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Uhm I just realized my hat is miner's... not a proper construction worker's hat... ARgh I'm an imitation... :p
Post edited September 04, 2015 by superstande
ddickinson: I have a phantom update in my library. I wonder what game it will be?
toxicTom: In my case it turned out to be Race the Sun.
Same here.
ddickinson: Why does a kick in the nuts remind you of Soccorro?
Not just any kick in the nuts... A swift one ;-)
LaPtiteBete: You want to kick Soccorro in the nuts ??? ô__ô
Did I say that? ô__ô ... huh... fascinating...
toxicTom: Yeah, true. Complainers will find things to complain about. And the game is no "console port", it was developed in parallel. Of course they had to make concessions to the consoles' limited capabilities. They didn't have the resources or manpower to develop the game three times from scratch. But it feels a lot less "console-y" than i.e. Skyrim. Even than Witcher 2.
Typical Witcher fanboy response. :-)
Only joking, but I know what you mean. I think some gamers are just so used to developers screwing them over that they react badly to any kind of change, expecting the worst.

toxicTom: That's exactly my way of thinking. Live and let live. Actually I cherish diversity because it allows me to gain new perspectives and gives me reasons to question my own prejudices and attitudes.

As Palio said above: that term describes masculine-looking, most (men) would say: unattractive and often "aggressively male hating" homosexual women. There are certainly some of that type, although I don't know any personally. Don't know if it's a German phenomenon. I think there are some old Nazi porn movies (made in Italy) that features characters like that ;-)
For some reason the first words I saw of your post when looking up at the screen was Nazi porn and wondered what the conversation had moved onto. :-)

EndreWhiteMane: Sorry Little One, DD missed my post yesterday and I wanted to be sure she saw this one. ;)
Hello everyone, hope you're all doing great today!
Ah, but I did, so you must be fibbing. :-)
I made a general post this morning thanking everyone as I was not up to answering individually. Mornings are always quite bad for me at the moment. I get a bit better as the day goes on, but I must admit I am finding it a real challenge to respond to everyone at the moment. I just force myself to do so as I don't want to appear rude when people have taken the time to send a message to me.

toxicTom: In my case it turned out to be Race the Sun.
I don't own that game. I guess I will have to wait and see. :-)
Forgot how much quotable Anchorman is.
Quick question. Does GOG use the US format for the date on the updates change log (MM/DD/YYYY) or the proper correct way that normal people use :-) (DD/MM/YYY)?

Also, is the US format the format other EU nations use, or is it just the US that does month before day?
ddickinson: Quick question. Does GOG use the US format for the date on the updates change log (MM/DD/YYYY) or the proper correct way that normal people use :-) (DD/MM/YYY)?

Also, is the US format the format other EU nations use, or is it just the US that does month before day?

The most useful format is YYYY-MM-DD :-)