toxicTom: Yeah, true. Complainers will find things to complain about. And the game is no "console port", it was developed in parallel. Of course they had to make concessions to the consoles' limited capabilities. They didn't have the resources or manpower to develop the game three times from scratch. But it feels a lot less "console-y" than i.e. Skyrim. Even than Witcher 2.
Typical Witcher fanboy response. :-)
Only joking, but I know what you mean. I think some gamers are just so used to developers screwing them over that they react badly to any kind of change, expecting the worst.
toxicTom: That's exactly my way of thinking. Live and let live. Actually I cherish diversity because it allows me to gain new perspectives and gives me reasons to question my own prejudices and attitudes.
As Palio said above:
that term describes masculine-looking, most (men) would say: unattractive and often "aggressively male hating" homosexual women. There are certainly some of that type, although I don't know any personally. Don't know if it's a German phenomenon. I think there are some old Nazi porn movies (made in Italy) that features characters like that ;-)
For some reason the first words I saw of your post when looking up at the screen was Nazi porn and wondered what the conversation had moved onto. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Sorry Little One, DD missed my post yesterday and I wanted to be sure she saw this one. ;)
Hello everyone, hope you're all doing great today! Ah, but I did, so you must be fibbing. :-)
I made a general post this morning thanking everyone as I was not up to answering individually. Mornings are always quite bad for me at the moment. I get a bit better as the day goes on, but I must admit I am finding it a real challenge to respond to everyone at the moment. I just force myself to do so as I don't want to appear rude when people have taken the time to send a message to me.
toxicTom: In my case it turned out to be Race the Sun.
I don't own that game. I guess I will have to wait and see. :-)