cecil: Hello there hope you are well big careful hug :+)
Good morning!
Thank you. How are you today? *hugs*
AgentBirdnest: Ah... so they finally fixed something... but broke something in the process apparently, because opening chat crashes my browser now...
Great to see you, DD :-)
**Extra big happy hug** Hello, Mr Agent!
It's nice to see you. I was just reading a bit about the chat breaking for firefox. I use safari so I have not experienced that. At least the block feature is here now.
How are you, I hope you have been doing well while I was away? And thank you for watching my stuff while I was gone. But next time please clean up all the empty jars of peanut butter when you leave. :-)
*big hug*
CarrionCrow: I'm sorry you're still feeling so poorly. The positive attitude, however, doesn't surprise me a bit.
Same as always here. Nothing terribly exciting to comment about.
I will be okay. Just a few ups and downs at the moment. But being back home with my lovely wife has made me very happy, so nothing can take away my happy smile at the moment.
Have you enjoyed the new releases we have been getting while I was away?