NoNewTaleToTell: The one thing that never ceases to amaze me is that One Finger Death Punch was made by Silver Dollar Games, one of the most notorious Xbox Live Indie Game devs. They released a ton of "interesting" not even freeware level games on that service and then they release One Finger Death Punch, what a world haha.
I'm not really in the mood for Fran Bow or Risen 2, so I'm actually thinking of giving Fallout a third try. The first playthrough I had little idea of what I was doing (build wise) and built a idiot melee character (which was a lot of fun!) but that was ultimately a bit too complicated for me, as it cuts out 99% of all dialogue available. The second playthrough I cheated and made a super character but decided I didn't want to go that route so I deleted that save. Now I'm gonna make a fairly straightforward brawling gunslinger.
Yeah, that was pretty much universal amazement, given their typical status as a blight of XBLIG.
Course, from what I've heard, they screwed themselves over financially by spending money they couldn't afford on the music.
Also, they hooked up with some Korean mobile outfit to produce a phone version that's buggy and has microtransactions, rather than trying to improve the original version or work on a real sequel.
That sounds like a good standard character. They should be able to take care of themselves physically, at least.