CarrionCrow: I definitely see your point. I think that even more than it just being a matter of difficulty, I wasn't having a lot of fun with them in general.
The gameplay, the inventory (dear gods, the neverending inventory management), the lackluster stories.
I'm all for a well-implemented difficulty spike (another reason why I tend to avoid doing it - I want the game to get better at killing me, requiring me to develop more skill, rather than it being enemies with four times the damage and hit points. That isn't any kind of skill. That's just math and laziness on the developer's part.), but more than a few of the things that were bugging me when I really think about it couldn't have been fixed by playing on hard.
I would have just gotten frustrated for different reasons.
HijacK: Interesting. Personally, I found the story rather interesting. The individual story segments were simplistic at times and uninspired, with some exceptions of course (I'm mainly looking at the Nightingale story), but I liked how the game was split in basically 2 main stories that offer 2 different threats that revolve around different objectives. Given that the way the stories overlapped each other wasn't fully developed and sometimes the game was struggling to make the world feel as desperate as should have, I rather enjoyed some. I totally see why you didn't like it though. The scale of the game is huge, yet so little time is spent on those stories. In a way, they feel minuscule, or at least not important enough.
Talking about Bethesda games, if only published ones count, I do recommend Dishonored. Fantastic game. Definitely my GOTY for 2012, at least from what I've played out of the 2012 releases.
CarrionCrow: Offhand, I'd suggest a difficulty mod, a weapons mod, a level cap remover mod, and an inventory management improvement mod.
But like I said a few minutes ago, you can't mod the story. And it's...not good. At all.
HijacK: Wasn't level cap removed with the expansions?
gunsynd: Stories in games are not good compared to say Betrayal at Krondor,and I think the older games have a better story to them..
HijacK: Depends on the genre I suppose, and on what the dev is focusing on.
That one is on my list of games to play, hoping it's a good experience.
No, in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, they increased the level cap with each chunk of DLC, but they never removed it.
With Fallout 3 it was 30 if you bought the Broken Steel DLC, 20 if you didn't.
For New Vegas, each DLC item you bought raised it by 5, with a total max of 50.