CarrionCrow: Tired, but still functioning.
-laughs- Then you got it done properly. You'll transition back into it fully in no time, I'm sure.
Probably for the best. It's an acquired taste, and it would probably make about 90 percent of all people sick if they drank any great amount.
Not yet, no. It's a sequel, have been waiting until I figure out how to fix the graphics problems I have with the first game so it can be completed, then go onto the second.
Yeah, we're quickly into the swing of things again, luckily :) ... like when we go back to work after many weeks off...
90 percent ? ... you mean, 99 ? >__o hmgnth. That being said, I never tasted, I shouldn't judge :)
Ho... so it's a sequel... ho yeah. So I put both on my wishlist, it would be too bad to grab just the second one if I don't have, and have played, the first one :) . Thanks for the info !
AgentBirdnest: 3__3
**Epic crushing return hug** Thanks. Hopefully yours is going well too.
(Robin has such lovely eyes :-))
Any predictions for today's release?
You're right about Robin's eyes... (normal, he's the spitting image of my dad n__o)
Yes. today's release will be ... NOLF ! :D