AgentBirdnest: Robin Williams and Tom Cruise? õ__ô They don't look too much alike... (Then again, neither do Sigourney Weaver and Nick Symmonds, but Josh Ritter looks like both of them :-p) Must be fun to have such a famous dad ;-)
I wish I looked like someone famous besides "that kid from Home Alone" n__n
Still no release... You'd better be right about NOLF >;-p
Eew... Josh Ritter ?... he doesn't look like Sigourney at all !! ô__ô
Yes, I have some famous people in my family B-| hehe
Macauley Culkin ? oh... did you see how he looks now... he seems ill, or something... or maybe just high on drugs all the time... ? :-\ ... poor old star kids.
Of course I'm right. If not, blame ElT B-|
superstande: :) not a bad idea!
I'm not sure about the game yet, Albion looks kinda nice and I already have it.
Albion... I don't have this one... I agree, it looks nice :)
CarrionCrow: Well, if there's a release coming today, it's not showing til later. Time to sleep.
Have a good day, everyone. =)
Good "night", Crow :)
See you later !
BillyMaysFan59: Sigh.... up early in the morning and we're out of coffee. O___o
I'll be back to talk later tonight. Take care!
--Conversational Free-For-All Thread Song of the Day-- Eat it! LOL at the song of the day :D
See you later, Billy Mays !! I hope you'll find some coffee !
j0ekerr: We all know where
that leads. n__n Excellent !
AgentBirdnest: We all know where
that leads ;-)
Ho crap, I don't know that one and I can't watch it now... :'-|