ElTerprise: Good afternoon Owl *big hug*
Hm...beer sounds great :)....will have some in the evening as well :)
I'm doing good but the weather could be better - glad to hear that you're doing great :D
Hey ElT !!
**Big hug back** I wish I could send you some nice weather and beer :)
Soccorro: MORROWIND!!! :D and you?
Hmmmm.... watching a movie tonight... and tomorrow, try to help my colleague and friend to fix his Terraria server :)
I have Morrowind on CD-Roms... I can't remember having played it though :)
superstande: Howdy also funny people Soccorro, EIT and the boss Owl :) and j0ekerr!
just paid all my bills, now to buy a game :p
Hey Sup !! :D
Always nice to be done with paying bills... what games did you buy ?? :)
AgentBirdnest: Good mornoon, everyone.
Has anyone heard any news about the gifting restrictions? All I heard is that it was "temporary", which doesn't exactly fill me with hope.
Mornoon my Agent :)
**Big hug**
All that I know is that I tried to buy "Chronicles of Riddick" but as a gift, not knowing yet if I'd like it, or rather offer it. And I couldn't. So, I didn't buy it at all... they'll lose plenty of boughts if they don't remove this sh*tty restriction.
How are you doing ? :)