j0ekerr: Sounds like the best way to make a truly memorable Saturday night, except that you
On a completely different matter. please tell me you've
seen this somewhere else.
Memory's largely overrated. Nine times out of ten, it's just something to remind you of people you should be shoving through a wood chipper face first.
-groans- Thankfully not. Might be an overweight American, but even I have my limits. That just looks foul.
EndreWhiteMane: Hello fellow goofy people, I'm back from work, a little goofier then when I got there.
Hope everyone is having a nice and peaceful day. Unless nice and peaceful isn't your thing of course. :-)
Good afternoon. =)
Doing all right here. Watching Narcos on Netflix. Really good show, and it makes me think that I'm missing good things in other languages since so much of it is subtitled but doesn't detract from the story at all.
Hopefully you're feeling goofy in a good way, rather than a disoriented one.