moonshineshadow: Hmmm... I am not sure if I really should respond to this....
I never got all these complaints about the combat. I never had a problem with it, I never cared about the changes and I just had fun.
Regarding companions. I only took one with me, if I needed to for a quest. Why would I want to have an NPC have all the fun.
And I liked the story and the setting. Pirates are fun. Bows are overrated as well as magic. Use a sword :P
And the trope is needed, there would be no fun if you would be strong from the beginning. Or you would have to introduce tons of suddenly appearing new monsters to fight, which would make even less sense.
Yes, I liked Risen 2 and I have no problem admitting that. I think the combat is pretty terrible compared to the Gothics and Risen 1. It feels more like a bargain bin's hack n' slash combat system than the fine tuned combat system that Piranha Bytes is known for. I do not like the new system at all, but I'm intrigued at least about the firearms. Maybe it gets better overall anyway.
I want my companion to have all the "fun" because I don't find the combat system fun, at least not yet. The way I feel about it right now, if I had to do all the heavy lifting then I would be less than happy.
I actually really dislike pirates haha. To me pirates are generally beyond cheesy, and not in a good way either. Still I'm gonna give it a chance, as Piranha Bytes are excellent world builders and have great atmosphere. If anybody could make me look past my general dislike of the pirate theme then it would be Piranha Bytes.
Yeah, wasn't really calling the trope a bad thing, they've used it in every game so far.
And heh, I like Gothic 3 a whole lot, which a lot of "true" Gothic fans hate, so I think we're even here haha. I'm giving Risen 2 a chance (I'm pretty happy about one familiar face popping up already), I'm just mostly less than impressed at the moment.