EndreWhiteMane: I sent the nurses away, going after farmgirls next time. ;)
Be careful, farm girls have guns. I'm also a very good shot with my good old English Longbow. :-)
gunsynd: Morning dd,
Meet Inny Crow's friend:-)
Morning! I met Inny this morning, although only briefly. I hope you have all been making her feel at home?
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)
Can't complain here aside from trying to figure out some annoying tech crap.
How's your day been?
I'm doing okay, thank you. Just got back from work and about to get a shower and then a long soak in a nice warm bath (heaven after a long day).
I hope the annoying tech crap is nothing too serious?
I am rethinking my Star Wars giveaway. I like the ideas of the questions, but I think it will be too difficult on a forum, and if things mess up then it will spoil the fun. I might just ask people to name some things from Star Wars and see if they have what I had written down. Stuff like name a ship, name a planet, name a rebel etc. I would pick my answers randomly and then people would make a guess. Whoever gets the most right wins. Hopefully it's not a terrible idea.