Been looking at some online reviews.
I am not amused by the fact that even though this is the third time they've tried to make a Fantastic Four movie, every new attempt seems to be getting
Yes, I'm saying that the 1990's unreleased movie is the best of the lot.
CarrionCrow: Thinking it's either a new publisher, or a batch of new games from an old one. It seems like the RPG series that was mentioned in a Gamescom interview. The GOG staff member said they wanted to get it out in August. Just speculating but it does seem to fit together.
Yes, Hong Kong's timer says 2 days, 41 minutes. It's getting close.
Which reminds me that I need to get back to playing SR Returns and Dragonfall.
(Ok, yes Dragonforce is goddamn cheesy, but you shouldn't understimate the awesomeness of cheese)