Tallima: As for the colour thing (Google really doesn't like me writing colour :D), I do something similar. But I assign genders to things that have no gender. Vowels are girls, consonants are boys. Y is that girlish boyish girlish.... You just can't tell. and Q. He's a ladies' man. Always got a vowel hanging off one arm.
Computer are boys. Beds are girls. Chairs are usually boys, but can be girls. Buses are boys. Most cars are girls. Trucks are boys (they hang fake testes off the trailer hitch here in the states -- do Europeans do this?). Electrical outlets are boys. Boxes are boys. Trash cans are girls. Tile floors are girls. Hardwood floors are girls. Concrete floors are boys.
I wonder if someone like me made up some of the languages with feminine and masculine words. It's weird to me. But I inherently know the genders of things without gender (but I'm also terrible at finding a cross-dressing person!).
We, French, do it all the time ; words have gendres. Une chaise (chair ; feminine) ; un lit (bed ; masculine). So it's normal to me :) ... you must have been French in a previous life.