Posted August 12, 2015

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted August 12, 2015
Before I go thread searching, anyone want to help me tweek my GOG downloader? It doesn't seem to be working.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted August 12, 2015

I hope you are having a good day, other than your trouble with Victor Vran?
Doing all right here, can't complain too much. The worst thing that's happened today is finding out that my 20 dollar game has another 10 to 40 hours of content. All things considered, that's not bad.
Glad to hear you got to spend some time with your partner. Will continue with hope and crossed fingers in regards to all the rest of it.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted August 12, 2015
It's strange how the site works. You get no notifications, I get extra ones. Maybe I can keep the extra ones and trade them for GOG games to those who don't get notifications. :-)

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted August 12, 2015

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted August 12, 2015
As soon as I click on the download link (trying Tyrian to test it out here) it just tells me that GOG Downloader has stopped working. It worked when I first started up the PC but went REALLY slow and eventually quit on me.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted August 12, 2015

Doing all right here, can't complain too much. The worst thing that's happened today is finding out that my 20 dollar game has another 10 to 40 hours of content. All things considered, that's not bad.
Glad to hear you got to spend some time with your partner. Will continue with hope and crossed fingers in regards to all the rest of it.
Are you pleased about the extra content, or were you hoping to have had the game finished by now?
Thank you.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted August 12, 2015
Does this happen every time? Also after a restart of your computer?

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted August 12, 2015

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted August 12, 2015
Aside from installing Linux (Debian) on my computer which was deleted when i installed Windows 10 and reading a bit about Prague in preperation for my trip in september :)
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)
It's adding even harder challenges to already cleared levels. So every shitty boss fight I did numerous times to clear originally, I get to do again. Now idly wondering which stage will have the "beat the boss in 60 seconds while smashing yourself in the groin with a claw hammer" challenge. I see. Well there is Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations (:P).....but i think they might have overdone it ;)

It's adding even harder challenges to already cleared levels. So every shitty boss fight I did numerous times to clear originally, I get to do again. Now idly wondering which stage will have the "beat the boss in 60 seconds while smashing yourself in the groin with a claw hammer" challenge.

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted August 12, 2015
Was kinda hoping I could kill it off soon, go on to something else rather than having another open game. Oh well, I'll pick something as a secondary and keep picking away at it in between.

Battle Sister
Registered: Feb 2014
From United Kingdom
Posted August 12, 2015
I think I will call it a night. Goodnight, everyone. I hope you have a lovely evening!
*goodnight hugs and waves*
ElTerprise: Aside from installing Linux (Debian) on my computer which was deleted when i installed Windows 10 and reading a bit about Prague in preperation for my trip in september :) That must have been annoying. I hope you did not lose any important files when Windows removed the partition?
A trip to Prague sounds nice. Is the trip for anything important?
I can understand that. I usually prefer to only have a few games going at one and I like to get them finished before moving on to a new game. Hopefully you can find a second game that will be enjoyable.
*goodnight hugs and waves*

A trip to Prague sounds nice. Is the trip for anything important?
I can understand that. I usually prefer to only have a few games going at one and I like to get them finished before moving on to a new game. Hopefully you can find a second game that will be enjoyable.
Post edited August 12, 2015 by ddickinson

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland
Posted August 12, 2015

*goodnight hugs and waves*
[edit] Meh... now I also have chat problems. Messages seem to just vanish and then there is the loading circle...
Post edited August 12, 2015 by moonshineshadow