Crewdroog: hello everyone, I hope this day finds you all well and blessed with many aardvarks and tacos.
ElTerprise: Hello :)
Thanks - it's a bit hot here but otherwise good. How is your day?
uh....Aardvarks and tacos?
what? you don't like aardvarks and/or tacos? well fine, may yours be blessed with donuts and door mice.
(*whispers*: the post above yours explains my crazy)
Crewdroog: why are my replies not posting? if you see a bunch from me all centered around the same topic and to Green, please ignore.
AgentBirdnest: It's a recurring glitch. Sometimes the next page won't be visible until it has 2 or 3 posts :-\
I'm not sure if the problem exists on other threads or not. I never leave this thread.
ah good to know, thanks! first i was like, "did i hit the 'cancel' button?" but i tried it again and it just went into the ether. oh gog, your just trying to prove i'm crazy. i know these tricks! *shakes fist*