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ddickinson: And sometimes I help a nearby farm show demonstrations for schools and colleges, and it's soooo fun seeing the boys vomit from all the blood and guts. I especially like it when the arrogant ones vomit, especially if they spend the whole time being rude by talking over the farmer and trying to act cool. :-)
That is so mean and so funny :D
I am not sure I would be able to do something like this. You are awesome for doing such work!
tinyE: We aren't flies. :P
Good point. *sharpens meat cleaver* :-)

Crewdroog: dd is a butcher? she just keeps getting more and more badass.

oh, and heya ddickinson!! *waves dramatically like a small child*
Hi, Crew! *silly wave and big muddy hug*

I wouldn't exactly call myself a butcher, I don't really do it for a living, just when needed for personal use or to help someone out. I think a lot of farmers who keep livestock know how to cut them up. It only makes sense, why buy meat from someone else when you can do it yourself for free. :-)
LaPtiteBete: :-O Haaaan... you are also a butcher ? wow. Memo for myself : better not bother DD ! :-D
ddickinson: Kind of. We do do some of our own butchering from time to time, although a lot less now we try not to keep animals for slaughter (I started butchering before I was even 10, it was very educational). We also help out with some local events where they need extra butchers. And sometimes I help a nearby farm show demonstrations for schools and colleges, and it's soooo fun seeing the boys vomit from all the blood and guts. I especially like it when the arrogant ones vomit, especially if they spend the whole time being rude by talking over the farmer and trying to act cool. :-)

But don't worry, I'm mostly harmless, in fact generally I wouldn't hurt a fly.
hahaha I used to train people for wound care. The the obnoxious boys (never had problems with the girls) would always act all macho when I'd tell them there was nothing wrong with stepping back if you got lightheaded. They thought wound care meant treating scratches. wound care means cleaning festering wounds you can stick your fist into. Never failed someone would faint.
tinyE: We aren't flies. :P
ddickinson: Good point. *sharpens meat cleaver* :-)

Crewdroog: dd is a butcher? she just keeps getting more and more badass.

oh, and heya ddickinson!! *waves dramatically like a small child*
ddickinson: Hi, Crew! *silly wave and big muddy hug*

I wouldn't exactly call myself a butcher, I don't really do it for a living, just when needed for personal use or to help someone out. I think a lot of farmers who keep livestock know how to cut them up. It only makes sense, why buy meat from someone else when you can do it yourself for free. :-)
Yay muddy hugs!!! *hugs back*
Post edited January 23, 2015 by Crewdroog
moonshineshadow: That is so mean and so funny :D
I am not sure I would be able to do something like this. You are awesome for doing such work!
You wouldn't think it was mean if you saw the kids. The kind of kids that act so hard, macho, and mean. I started when I was little, so I've never had a problem with it. It's actually quite educational. I don't help out often for those kind of shows, just when the farmers assistant is unable to help.
moonshineshadow: That is so mean and so funny :D
I am not sure I would be able to do something like this. You are awesome for doing such work!
ddickinson: You wouldn't think it was mean if you saw the kids. The kind of kids that act so hard, macho, and mean.
You are probably right :P
EndreWhiteMane: Morning people of the world! Well, some of it anyway. ;)
Slept for nearly 13 straight hours, that's actually kinda scary, these new meds aren't working out so good. :/
Had to do a lot of catching up but Moon, I hope you feel better real soon, and I won't eat any Swamp Stew. ;)
Off to get a cup of coffee now.
Good afternoon. =)

Been there, done that, and it's no fun at all.
Will hope that the side effects either start to decrease quickly, or the doctor gets you onto something that doesn't put you into a miniature coma every day.
Crewdroog: hahaha I used to train people for wound care. The the obnoxious boys (never had problems with the girls) would always act all macho when I'd tell them there was nothing wrong with stepping back if you got lightheaded. They thought wound care meant treating scratches. wound care means cleaning festering wounds you can stick your fist into. Never failed someone would faint.
Fainting is funny as well, but you just can't beat the look on those obnoxious (thank you for that, I was looking for the right word) boys faces when they puke in front of all the girls they are trying to impress. There is nothing to feel bad about if you faint or vomit (it happens to many people), but teenagers don't seem to realise that. You are right about girls not really being a problem (not being sexist, but it's true). They tend to watch and learn, the boys tend to mess about.

Crewdroog: Yay muddy hugs!!! *hugs back*
I think my brother will be a bit mad when he sees the muddy iPad :-). He got me an iPad mini with a cellular signal (which is how I can have fun on the forum and pass the time while out in the fields, yay!), but he gets all mad when I get use it outside and get it all dirty. He doesn't get angry or anything, just annoyed. A big hug and some puppy dog eyes and I'm all forgiven. I keep meaning to get a waterproof protective cover for it, but I have never gotten around to it yet (and I've had it ages).
CarrionCrow: Good afternoon. =)
Good afternoon Crow *hug* How are you doing?
moonshineshadow: That is so mean and so funny :D
I am not sure I would be able to do something like this. You are awesome for doing such work!
ddickinson: You wouldn't think it was mean if you saw the kids. The kind of kids that act so hard, macho, and mean. I started when I was little, so I've never had a problem with it. It's actually quite educational. I don't help out often for those kind of shows, just when the farmers assistant is unable to help.
I think it is really good for kids to learn that kinda stuff. They need to know where chicken, beef and pork come from. It's not just a package at the store. Hopefully it makes them appreciate meat more.
HypersomniacLive: Hope everyone's having a good day/ evening/ night.

I hope you start feeling better and won't get sick.

Everyone should watch the video penumbren posted yesterday, and then watch at least the Elders Play CALL OF DUTY: Advanced Warfare one.

And in case anyone find them hilarious like I did, there are also these ones:


- HAPPY WHEELS (what a misleading title, I think this one would be perfect for Crow as well)

Good evening to you as well, hope that you're feeling better and having a better day. =)

Already at 20 of 23 for the sale, so no buying there for me. Very much a good thing since my games budget is zero at the moment.
Maybe next week...sure, I already have a backlog that could choke a family of elephants, but when has that ever stopped me before? ;)
EndreWhiteMane: Couple of financial 'surprises' here so i probably won't be buying anything for a while, might have to break down and play some of the 2 million games I already own. :-O
So does that mean the hospital will not pay the ransom for those kidnapped nurses? That's a shame, but there is good news and bad news about that. The good news is that you get to keep those young sexy nurses. The bad news is that you will now have to sell your body for sexual favours in order to make some money. :-)

(But seriously, I'm sorry to hear that. Have a big muddy hug for you as well *muddy hug*)
Crewdroog: hahaha I used to train people for wound care. The the obnoxious boys (never had problems with the girls) would always act all macho when I'd tell them there was nothing wrong with stepping back if you got lightheaded. They thought wound care meant treating scratches. wound care means cleaning festering wounds you can stick your fist into. Never failed someone would faint.
I'm a volunteer firefighter, and I see this all the time with the rookies. We always say, there are plenty of jobs that don't involve being in the hot zone, and doing CPR on some mangled body isn't for everyone, so there's no shame in knowing your limits. Very few rookies listen.

I've had more than one uber-macho rookie barf on the side of the highway. Truth is, nobody knows how they'll handle things until they have the opportunity to handle it. Everybody has there limits. Our Chief can't handle vomit. Blood and guts are fine, but the minute there's puke involved, he's puking too.
Crewdroog: hahaha I used to train people for wound care. The the obnoxious boys (never had problems with the girls) would always act all macho when I'd tell them there was nothing wrong with stepping back if you got lightheaded. They thought wound care meant treating scratches. wound care means cleaning festering wounds you can stick your fist into. Never failed someone would faint.
ddickinson: Fainting is funny as well, but you just can't beat the look on those obnoxious (thank you for that, I was looking for the right word) boys faces when they puke in front of all the girls they are trying to impress. There is nothing to feel bad about if you faint or vomit (it happens to many people), but teenagers don't seem to realise that. You are right about girls not really being a problem (not being sexist, but it's true). They tend to watch and learn, the boys tend to mess about.

Crewdroog: Yay muddy hugs!!! *hugs back*
ddickinson: I think my brother will be a bit mad when he sees the muddy iPad :-). He got me an iPad mini with a cellular signal (which is how I can have fun on the forum and pass the time while out in the fields, yay!), but he gets all mad when I get use it outside and get it all dirty. He doesn't get angry or anything, just annoyed. A big hug and some puppy dog eyes and I'm all forgiven. I keep meaning to get a waterproof protective cover for it, but I have never gotten around to it yet (and I've had it ages).
I think that's probably the reason for the boys v girls: hormones. lol

big hugs and puppy dog eyes fix most everything :)
CarrionCrow: Good afternoon. =)
moonshineshadow: Good afternoon Crow *hug* How are you doing?
Good evening. =)

Okay here, fighting past a shot of quasi-narcolepsy with more coffee.

How's the evening treating you? (Aside from the bastard headache, that is.)
Crewdroog: hahaha I used to train people for wound care. The the obnoxious boys (never had problems with the girls) would always act all macho when I'd tell them there was nothing wrong with stepping back if you got lightheaded. They thought wound care meant treating scratches. wound care means cleaning festering wounds you can stick your fist into. Never failed someone would faint.
hummer010: I'm a volunteer firefighter, and I see this all the time with the rookies. We always say, there are plenty of jobs that don't involve being in the hot zone, and doing CPR on some mangled body isn't for everyone, so there's no shame in knowing your limits. Very few rookies listen.

I've had more than one uber-macho rookie barf on the side of the highway. Truth is, nobody knows how they'll handle things until they have the opportunity to handle it. Everybody has there limits. Our Chief can't handle vomit. Blood and guts are fine, but the minute there's puke involved, he's puking too.
This is so true. I've been puked, peed, pooped and bled on. I've been elbows deep in human intestine. No problems. Phlegm on the other hand? Even just spitting makes my stomach turn. I remember one time a person yacked up a phlegm ball the color and size of a tennis ball in front of me. Almost lost my breakfast on him.