Posted August 04, 2015
EndreWhiteMane: Thanks Crew, I got a little zap with the paddles last night. No fun.
My problem is a very stubborn case of Atrial Fibrillation, for that they go in and freeze a bunch of nerve endings in the heart.
Not a big deal but I've had so many 'procedures' in the past few years I'm a concerned about the law of averages.
Someday one is bound not to go so well. :/
CarrionCrow: Well, if you feel like it, you could casually tell the doctors that you know a person who might be inclined to see if the shock trauma of a lunatic smashing a foot into a person's groin until they literally seize and die is possible. =) My problem is a very stubborn case of Atrial Fibrillation, for that they go in and freeze a bunch of nerve endings in the heart.
Not a big deal but I've had so many 'procedures' in the past few years I'm a concerned about the law of averages.
Someday one is bound not to go so well. :/
I don't think that counts as technically threatening someone's life if they screw up.
Not if you do it casually.