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AgentBirdnest: Those nurses in Theme Hospital have great boobs, but not as great as the ones in the latest popular movie that came out! (How am I doing? :-p)
EndreWhiteMane: And which movie would that be? ;)
Jurassic World. I read the movie had "modified" dinosaurs. I assume that meant boobs ;-p
Crewdroog: first, that is an amazing name for a game, up there with deathspank.

Second, putting electrodes on your heart to shock it back into rhythm and inserting it's battery are TOTALLY minor procedures, like getting a colonoscopy. but seriously, it's very common, and you don't want to go into arrhythmia and get hit with the paddles....

third, i'm sorry you had such a bad night, but i'm glad you are home now. :)
Thanks Crew, I got a little zap with the paddles last night. No fun.
My problem is a very stubborn case of Atrial Fibrillation, for that they go in and freeze a bunch of nerve endings in the heart.
Not a big deal but I've had so many 'procedures' in the past few years I'm a concerned about the law of averages.
Someday one is bound not to go so well. :/
ddickinson: As my partner will be home from work soon I will say my goodbyes so I can get some more things done. I hope you all have a lovely morning/evening/day! Try to behave while I am away. :-)

*hugs and sily waves*
I promise they won't do anything I wouldn't do.
AgentBirdnest: Jurassic World. I read the movie had "modified" dinosaurs. I assume that meant boobs ;-p
EndreWhiteMane: And which movie would that be? ;)
AgentBirdnest: Jurassic World. I read the movie had "modified" dinosaurs. I assume that meant boobs ;-p
Boobs on a dinosaur is just silly. :-)
AgentBirdnest: Jurassic World. I read the movie had "modified" dinosaurs. I assume that meant boobs ;-p
EndreWhiteMane: Boobs on a dinosaur is just silly. :-)
This is the internet. Dinosaurs with breasts exist somewhere on it, guaranteed.
CarrionCrow: This is the internet. Dinosaurs with breasts exist somewhere on it, guaranteed.
I'm wondering if I should post the link or not.
Post edited August 04, 2015 by j0ekerr
CarrionCrow: Forget tomorrow, what I really want to know is if there will be a next Thursday or not.
(Seriously though, if the world ends before I get to play Hong Kong, there had better be a creator so I can call them a total killjoy prick before they send me to my eternal punishment for numerous acts of grave naughtiness.)
Shadowrun Hong Kong? :) Man I'm really looking forward to playing that. I hope the kickstarter gives some more information about the keys and such soon.
EndreWhiteMane: Boobs on a dinosaur is just silly. :-)
It'd mean bigger breasts, and since current theory is that chickens evolved from dinosaurs...

I think I might be a little bit hungry.
CarrionCrow: Forget tomorrow, what I really want to know is if there will be a next Thursday or not.
(Seriously though, if the world ends before I get to play Hong Kong, there had better be a creator so I can call them a total killjoy prick before they send me to my eternal punishment for numerous acts of grave naughtiness.)
FearfulSymmetry: Shadowrun Hong Kong? :) Man I'm really looking forward to playing that. I hope the kickstarter gives some more information about the keys and such soon.
Indeed. =)

I'm sure they will. According to the timer I try to not obsess over, there's still 15 days, 4 hours, 44 minutes and roughly 15 seconds until release. They should have everything distributed by then.
j0ekerr: I'm wondering if I should post the link or not.
If you wonder, then I definitely won't ;-)
Crewdroog: a meatball sub? that's standard fare here my friend. and that is NOT breadsticks. think very small, soft baguettes with seasoning on them.
j0ekerr: But they are calling it a breadstick sandwich.

I kind of prefer my subs like this.

But that's because I can't afford one of these.
lol oh olive garden, what will your marketing division think of next? breadstick sandwich. LOL.

Ok, that second pic is disgusting. the third one sounds good. but where are the veggies? those are so important on a good sandwich.
Crewdroog: a meatball sub? that's standard fare here my friend. and that is NOT breadsticks. think very small, soft baguettes with seasoning on them.
Noticed the word seasoning, no wonder people say they're addictive.
j0ekerr: I'm wondering if I should post the link or not.
AgentBirdnest: If you wonder, then I definitely won't ;-)
Come on you guys, don't be chicken. (Now I'm hungry)
Crewdroog: first, that is an amazing name for a game, up there with deathspank.

Second, putting electrodes on your heart to shock it back into rhythm and inserting it's battery are TOTALLY minor procedures, like getting a colonoscopy. but seriously, it's very common, and you don't want to go into arrhythmia and get hit with the paddles....

third, i'm sorry you had such a bad night, but i'm glad you are home now. :)
EndreWhiteMane: Thanks Crew, I got a little zap with the paddles last night. No fun.
My problem is a very stubborn case of Atrial Fibrillation, for that they go in and freeze a bunch of nerve endings in the heart.
Not a big deal but I've had so many 'procedures' in the past few years I'm a concerned about the law of averages.
Someday one is bound not to go so well. :/
Well, if you feel like it, you could casually tell the doctors that you know a person who might be inclined to see if the shock trauma of a lunatic smashing a foot into a person's groin until they literally seize and die is possible. =)

I don't think that counts as technically threatening someone's life if they screw up.
Not if you do it casually.