ddickinson: Hello, Fearful! *big hug*
Glad to hear you are doing pretty good. We have not seen you around much, I hope it's because you have been having lots of fun in the real world?
Are you looking forward to your next semester?
I am doing good, thank you. I am still not too well health wise, but other than that I am doing wonderful. I got married on Saturday! *happy dance* My partner surprised me with it all, she had wonderful custom vows and things. So that has made me a happy girl. :-)
*more hugs*
Hey! *big hug*
Yep, I've had to watch my mother's dogs a lot, and I've been spending quite some time with my sister. I somehow haven't really found the time to be on here much, but I'm sure I'll be back once August ends. :)
I guess I am, although I do feel like my holiday is ending too quickly. :P I do have a lot of literature courses next semester though, and those are my favourite, so that's good. And I'll be starting my first internship as a teacher in the second semester if all goes well.
Oh wow, that's really big news! *enormous happy hug* I'm super happy for you! I'm guessing you're both feeling like the luckiest people in the world right about now? ;) Did you have a lovely event with your family?
*super big hugs*
ElTerprise: Hey *big hug*
Doing good here - glad to hear that you're doing pretty good.
Whoa...yes books for university can be quite expensive :)
Hey, good to speak to you again, and good to hear you're doing well! Yep, I'm out about 220 euros right now. :P I could've done so many fun things with that money! xD Oh well, at least it was spent on literature and not boring theory books that never get used.