EndreWhiteMane: Hey, are you saying our 'free for all thread' should have actual coherent conversations in it?
Of course not in this thread. ;) It says free for all in the title. But others that are supposed to make you think and discuss, sometimes people don't read the others. Just my humble opinion, of course.
AgentBirdnest: I'm not entirely sure if I love FTL or I'm just massively addicted to it :-p
I was just talking about The Longest Journey yesterday, because it has been in my backlog for a record 10 years now >__<
I love No One Lives Forever more than any game in existence. I also have a thing for Deus Ex, the Blackwell series, and most recently Terraria... Throw some Command & Conquer games onto that list as well :-)
I love it and am addicted to FTL, even though on easy I still can't seem to beat the game. XD The Longest Journey has an amazing story, there's just lots of dialogue. I'd give it a try sometime and see if it interests you. I love the Blackwell series as well! Joey is just amazing, and I love that they add bloopers. They're all so amazing, but I have a soft spot for the 2nd game and Lauren as a protagonist. I think her and Joey would have been a good relationship angst, at least in my mind. Him having to watch her in the hospital all those years. I just loved their easy banter/flirting. Sorry, me totally being a girl and geeking out. *cough*
CarrionCrow: There are times people don't read everything here, but that's totally understandable since there are so many posts you'd have to set aside a few days to do it, and when the thread gets active it can stack on a few hundred posts in less than a day so it gets unreasonably long to play catch-up.
I understand this thread, since I go away for an hour and it's 3 pages ahead. :P
CarrionCrow: Just had a thought looking at my wishlist.
That thought was, "How many of these games do I actually give a shit about?"
Not in a compulsive buyer way, not in an idle curiosity way, how many of the games on that list actually matter.
And funnily enough, using that as a filter, I removed close to 40 games.
I have more than 100 games on my wishlist on Steam. It's just whatever I think looks cool and I may want to buy it once it's on sale down the line. Some I only have a passing fancy for it, it's ridiculous. I just have a terrible memory and don't want to forget one that at one time I thought "it might be fun to play" or "it's a classic, I should".
*hugs for all* <3