EndreWhiteMane: Hi Crow, yes home AC is fine, feels nice after being in a small building with lots of hot people. :-)
How's your day so far? Orange Dew? ewwww
You would think that, but the orange Mountain Dew is actually the best thing they put out.
You know how diet sodas aren't popular with some people because the sweetener tastes synthetic?
For me, all Mountain Dew products whether they're diet or not have that.
It's a strong, heavy taste that just makes your mouth feel unpleasant the longer you drink it.
But, with the orange version, it's actually a soda I could give to someone without telling them it's Mountain Dew, and they wouldn't know the difference.
It's got the caffeine, but the experience of drinking it doesn't lead to queasiness and the internal question of why the hell you just put that in your body.
Day's going all right. Sweaty and uncomfortable, but I'm almost used to that at this point since it's been going for months with very few breaks.
Beyond that, still gnawing pieces off of Victor Vran, started playing some Outland (much better than I thought it'd be, which makes me sad that it's part of a one dollar bundle), was debating for a bit on whether or not to pick up Dungeon Siege 3 before deciding that I have enough self-loathing that I don't need to express it with yet another awful purchase.
Fantasysci5: I've noticed that. In some threads, it feels no one reads the posts before them, since they want to post their own thoughts. I've found that in threads like games you're playing right now.
You're right, in a lot of threads they're just a place for people to post their experiences. Not a lot of actual conversation about things going on.
There are times people don't read everything here, but that's totally understandable since there are so many posts you'd have to set aside a few days to do it, and when the thread gets active it can stack on a few hundred posts in less than a day so it gets unreasonably long to play catch-up.