akhliber: Hello! I hope you are doing well!
I would think the strangest thing about that dream wasn't that you could drive a motorcycle, but that it had a working cassette player. ;)
Good morning to you!
The household used to own a fiat marea, and that one still had a cassette player installed. We used to play a little cassette with the soundtrack from Mel Brooks's silent movie all the time (but that's talking more than half my life ago) ;)
I had a whole discussion about computers with my dad yesterday; he said that in the last year of his computer language course there came some amazing news; the students couldn't use the library pc's, because their memory was being upgraded from 64 kb to 128 kb, wonder; and we made a lot of jokes about people being able to run all their needs on that, whilst now, relatively seen bestial, pc's have to deal with slowdown from bad programming in a variety of applications; the space is there now but nobody can code things well enough to use that conservingly.
And we have a few wind-up pocket watches lying about that belonged to someone who came before grandpa, and those still work. My brother actually uses them because he thinks it's oddly attractive to walk arround with such a piece of ancient technology.