NoNewTaleToTell: I think I've about had my fill of The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. It's slowly but surely turned into just another corridor FPS. Enter room, shoot enemies before they shoot you, proceed to next room and repeat. Sometimes you'll enter a room via a vent or something that is conveniently behind some boxes, which means you have to peak around the box to shoot the enemies but there still isn't any stealth.
I don't know, I just can't get into it and I've had a increasingly difficult time in recent years getting into straight ahead FPS games. Not that I'm against FPS in general, I enjoyed the heck out of Shadow Warrior 2013 and to a lesser degree E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy, but both games though ultimately linear, allow you to wander around a bit rather than just funneling you from one enemy filled location to another.
*Riddick suddenly moves up a few spots in my backlog just from hearing it mentioned*
You should try FEAR. Doesn't get much more linear and corridor-y than that ;-) Somehow, it worked for me though.
I tend to go through phases of enjoying linear vs. more open shooters. Last year, I couldn't stand anything less open than STALKER. This year, Half-Life, Portal, and Medal of Honor are my thing. Changes all the time for me...