Good evening, everyone!
How are you all doing? Are you all ready for the Terarria bloodbath? :-)
My parter is at my parents for an hour or so (plotting secret things) so I thought I would come and see how you were all doing.
*hugs and silly waves*
AgentBirdnest: Oh pluck, I'm already failing!! [panic mode: ON] ',','',',:-O
I guess you won't see this, but I hope you have a nice week and keep improving. *many big hugs*
I think you are doing a wonderful job. So there is no need to panic. :-)
*big thank you for the many big hugs hug* :-)
LaPtiteBete: No worries if you don't pop up within the next days then, I take note :)
I hope I'll see you before I leave on holidays... I don't know how often/how long I'll be able to log in then... I'll try to login each day at least to say hello :)
Have a nice week DD ! Enjoy it as much as possible, and don't forget to rest, too !
Take care !
**Big happy and reassured hugs** When are you leaving on your holiday? (I know you told me but my memory is terrible at the moment.)
I hope your lovely long holiday goes great and you have lots and lots of fun. You deserve a nice long vacation.
*big good luck with Terrarria hug*