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CarrionCrow: Sounds like our definitions of DRM are identical, actually.
And yes, you're right. Discussion turns to debate turns to debacle very, very quickly.
That's why I'd rather have fun with it all. =)

That statement is self-congratulatory garbage. It's a lie from start to finish, or the person saying it has never been passionate enough to hate something's guts, to hate something actively, wanting it to die screaming and crying with every single second, every single breath.
I was only joking about the different views on DRM. I wouldn't care even if you did have different views, you could be a DRM loving Steam fan boy for all I care, it wouldn't stop me enjoying your company. People are free to do what they want, if a lever of DRM is acceptable for someone then by all means enjoy it. I don't see the point of trying to force everyone to think the same, what kind of boring world would that be. It's like when some people get worried because they likes console games and COD type games. I don't see that as an issue at all, if it was me I would not care what people thought. As long as it's not hurting anyone then just let them do what makes them happy.

To be honest, I think there has only ever been one person in the world who I have ever wished harm on properly, and that was the <word that I am too polite to say> who attacked me. He is responsible for me losing so much, and probably the only person I have ever really hated with a passion. But he died during the police chase, so I guess that means I have no one to wish all these current pains and discomforts on :-). There are lots of people who have been real jerks and done some very nasty things to me and my partner, but I tend to just ignore them for the most part, not really caring about them enough to even wish them harm (if that makes sense?). I am apparently too nice for my own good, or so I have been told. I should hang around threads like the VV thread, maybe that will make me more hate filled. :-)

P.S. If by any chance I am going off on random topics, I apologise. I have been taking some stronger painkillers due to the horrible stabbing and burning pains, and they make it hard sometimes for me to keep track of what I am talking about. And I still have stronger ones just in case. I bet they would really mess with my mind.
Post edited July 25, 2015 by ddickinson
CarrionCrow: I think a lot of people see it as the difference between having a version that works on current systems, and a version that worked perfectly well but it being rehashed because a company wants to get more sales while that earlier perfectly functional version is still around.

Can't say in terms of graphics, since I have no clue how much time and money it'd take to revamp that part of the games from the ground up.
That I don't disagree with, but again, when you start venturing into remake of a remake of a remake...territory, well, it gets bit ridiculous. To be fair he does add some bonus content to some of the remakes, I think one of them got an entire new town, so that's something.

That kinda branches off into a different discussion. If his new series/titles aren't moving the needle, forcing him to rely on remakes of remakes and rehashes, and those are barely keeping the lights on, at what point do you say "well this was fun but I'd enjoy something other than Ramen for dinner"? And what happens if and when the remakes of remakes finally stop selling?

You see it in music quite a bit, one of my favorite bands is Bang Tango. Despite their first two albums being fantastic they only managed one minor hit in their "prime" (late 80s). They've been crawling along (well, the singer and some new guys have), playing at your local bar & grill that holds fifty people (including the staff) ever since. One hand you've gotta admire them for sticking with it, but at the same time feel a bit sad.
NoNewTaleToTell: That I don't disagree with, but again, when you start venturing into remake of a remake of a remake...territory, well, it gets bit ridiculous. To be fair he does add some bonus content to some of the remakes, I think one of them got an entire new town, so that's something.
I don't think Remake is the right word, I think they just like to throw it about. The Resident Evil 1 game on the Gamecube (the one recently ported to PC) is a remake, they not only recreated everything in stunning modern graphics (which still look good today, 10 years later), but they added new story elements. "Remakes" these days seem like nothing more than widescreen fixes and compatibility updates, with maybe a few token elements added, nothing game changing. Those are not remake or remasters, they are just updates. Most of which are provided for free by modders. At least that is how I view most of them these days. They just seem like cheap ways to exploit money for the least amount of work.
ddickinson: I was only joking about the different views on DRM. I wouldn't care even if you did have different views, you could be a DRM loving Steam fan boy for all I care, it wouldn't stop me enjoying your company. People are free to do what they want, if a lever of DRM is acceptable for someone then by all means enjoy it. I don't see the point of trying to force everyone to think the same, what kind of boring world would that be. It's like when some people get worried because they likes console games and COD type games. I don't see that as an issue at all, if it was me I would not care what people thought. As long as it's not hurting anyone then just let them do what makes them happy.

To be honest, I think there has only ever been one person in the world who I have ever wished harm on properly, and that was the <word that I am too polite to say> who attacked me. He is responsible for me losing so much, and probably the only person I have ever really hated with a passion. But he died during the police chase, so I guess that means I have no one to wish all these current pains and discomforts on :-). There are lots of people who have been real jerks and done some very nasty things to me and my partner, but I tend to just ignore them for the most part, not really caring about them enough to even wish them harm (if that makes sense?). I am apparently too nice for my own good, or so I have been told. I should hang around threads like the VV thread, maybe that will make me more hate filled. :-)

P.S. If by any chance I am going off on random topics, I apologise. I have been taking some stronger painkillers due to the horrible stabbing and burning pains, and they make it hard sometimes for me to keep track of what I am talking about. And I still have stronger ones just in case. I bet they would really mess with my mind.
In the end, it all means very, very little. If you're willing to snub someone for their choice in video games, you probably have some issues whether games are involved or not.

I get what you mean. The people in question are shitbags, but they matter so little in the grand scheme of things that you can't even muster up some anger towards them.
Makes sense.

-laughs- That thread isn't making me more hateful, it just keeps on reminding me that I want to get the game when I've got my budget worked out in between laughing.

You don't ever need to apologize for that. I do that and I don't have strong drugs. ;)

NoNewTaleToTell: That I don't disagree with, but again, when you start venturing into remake of a remake of a remake...territory, well, it gets bit ridiculous. To be fair he does add some bonus content to some of the remakes, I think one of them got an entire new town, so that's something.

That kinda branches off into a different discussion. If his new series/titles aren't moving the needle, forcing him to rely on remakes of remakes and rehashes, and those are barely keeping the lights on, at what point do you say "well this was fun but I'd enjoy something other than Ramen for dinner"? And what happens if and when the remakes of remakes finally stop selling?

You see it in music quite a bit, one of my favorite bands is Bang Tango. Despite their first two albums being fantastic they only managed one minor hit in their "prime" (late 80s). They've been crawling along (well, the singer and some new guys have), playing at your local bar & grill that holds fifty people (including the staff) ever since. One hand you've gotta admire them for sticking with it, but at the same time feel a bit sad.
You are absolutely right. Rehash the same crap too much, and it gets bad. You can only fend off staleness and rely on nostalgic glimmers of experiences past for so long.

Time will tell. If the company goes under, then in hindsight it might've been a better idea to put out new content.

Yes, that is sad, when people keep going and they really, really shouldn't.
It's what they've got and they're running out of time, but they'll keep on beating that dead horse to the bitter end.
Post edited July 25, 2015 by CarrionCrow
ddickinson: "Remakes" these days seem like nothing more than widescreen fixes and compatibility updates, with maybe a few token elements added, nothing game changing.
I saw the App Store has KOTOR "remade" anyone know if the game itself is that good?
cecil: after minecraft telltale can do anime stuff it would probably sell well with the VN hitch...
They'll keep on looking for more properties, and I'm sure anime isn't out of the realm of possibility when they've exhausted all the other licenses they've managed to pick up.
CarrionCrow: In the end, it all means very, very little. If you're willing to snub someone for their choice in video games, you probably have some issues whether games are involved or not.

I get what you mean. The people in question are shitbags, but they matter so little in the grand scheme of things that you can't even muster up some anger towards them.
Makes sense.

-laughs- That thread isn't making me more hateful, it just keeps on reminding me that I want to get the game when I've got my budget worked out in between laughing.

You don't ever need to apologize for that. I do that and I don't have strong drugs. ;)
Exactly, while I can understand some being annoyed at console games dumbing down the industry, to just snub someone or something entirely is just ignorant. I prefer PC games over console games, and I prefer older games over a lot of the cheap quality and dumbed down games we have now, but my most favourite game is a console game, and I don't ever thing bad of someone for playing console games or modern games that I don't like. Life is way too short to be that mean to people for no good reason.

I don't see the point most of the time to get angry, they are often such pathetic people that they almost make you pity them. It can't be nice living their life, full of so much hate and prejudices.

Another bad joke about the VV type threads (by me, not you), I know they will not make me more mean. I tend not to read them, they go on for way too long and just tend to argue the same things over and over. So do you like the look of Victor Vran?

I have a hard time with what I write, partly due to me being too hard on myself over my dyslexia and also now that I am finding it hard to concentrate fully. Silly I know, but I can't help it. I know people don't really mind, but I thought I would mention it jus tin case I go off onto a completely different topic all together out of the blue. :-)

cecil: I saw the App Store has KOTOR "remade" anyone know if the game itself is that good?
I am not sure. I know there was a thread on here about the KOTOR 2. But I think that was for Mac & Linux support. Hopefully someone else will now and be able to offer more helpful information.
Post edited July 25, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: "Remakes" these days seem like nothing more than widescreen fixes and compatibility updates, with maybe a few token elements added, nothing game changing.
cecil: I saw the App Store has KOTOR "remade" anyone know if the game itself is that good?
KOTOR 1 is very good. Can't say on 2, haven't played it yet.
cecil: I saw the App Store has KOTOR "remade" anyone know if the game itself is that good?
CarrionCrow: KOTOR 1 is very good. Can't say on 2, haven't played it yet.
I have KOTOR 1 it's kinda wonky not sure if it's due to a bad port job or just it's a really old game...
*hugs and waves*
ddickinson: Exactly, while I can understand some being annoyed at console games dumbing down the industry, to just snub someone or something entirely is just ignorant. I prefer PC games over console games, and I prefer older games over a lot of the cheap quality and dumbed down games we have now, but my most favourite game is a console game, and I don't ever thing bad of someone for playing console games or modern games that I don't like. Life is way too short to be that mean to people for no good reason.

I don't see the point most of the time to get angry, they are often such pathetic people that they almost make you pity them. It can't be nice living their life, full of so much hate and prejudices.

Another bad joke about the VV type threads (by me, not you), I know they will not make me more mean. I tend not to read them, they go on for way too long and just tend to argue the same things over and over. So do you like the look of Victor Vran?

I have a hard time with what I write, partly due to me being too hard on myself over my dyslexia and also now that I am finding it hard to concentrate fully. Silly I know, but I can't help it. I know people don't really mind, but I thought I would mention it jus tin case I go off onto a completely different topic all together out of the blue. :-)
It's a superiority thing, basic human malfunction, and these days you can add a shitload of cash investment to that voice in a dim person's brain telling them that they need to be right, be best, at all times.
They think they're better because they have the "best thing", they're on the "best team", when in actuality they're just some intensely sad motherfuckers.

The problem you run into is that the stupidity never stops. It won't stop in any of our lifetimes, it'll just mutate into something else that's skullpoundingly idiotic as soon as you think a certain strain of it has finally died out.
If you're going to be angry about stupid people, you're going to be angry every second of every day.

Been there, done that, and once you're spending every minute wanting to hit someone until they shut up?
It's time to bow out. (Or go to prison. And I don't want to do that.)

You would be correct. It's the same back and forth, only spread over pages. Good for comedy, but not much else.

Yes, I do. Looking forward to getting it. First saw it mentioned in another thread, took a look and it's interesting.
And as a bonus, an action RPG that doesn't bore me into a state of virtual retardation sounds good.
Way to go, Diablo 3, your crowning achievement is making me lower my standards.

No worries, I didn't notice the dyslexia, and I'm not going to get too offended if you're not focusing intently and hanging on my every typed letter. -laughs-
Besides, rapid topic shifts keep me on my toes, especially when I'm wound up, caffeinated to hell and back and manic as shit to boot. =)
moonshineshadow: *hugs and waves*

How are you?
moonshineshadow: *hugs and waves*
-massive ninja valkyrie hug, just to mess with you- ;)
ddickinson: Exactly, while I can understand some being annoyed at console games dumbing down the industry, to just snub someone or something entirely is just ignorant. I prefer PC games over console games, and I prefer older games over a lot of the cheap quality and dumbed down games we have now, but my most favourite game is a console game, and I don't ever thing bad of someone for playing console games or modern games that I don't like. Life is way too short to be that mean to people for no good reason.

I don't see the point most of the time to get angry, they are often such pathetic people that they almost make you pity them. It can't be nice living their life, full of so much hate and prejudices.

Another bad joke about the VV type threads (by me, not you), I know they will not make me more mean. I tend not to read them, they go on for way too long and just tend to argue the same things over and over. So do you like the look of Victor Vran?

I have a hard time with what I write, partly due to me being too hard on myself over my dyslexia and also now that I am finding it hard to concentrate fully. Silly I know, but I can't help it. I know people don't really mind, but I thought I would mention it jus tin case I go off onto a completely different topic all together out of the blue. :-)
CarrionCrow: It's a superiority thing, basic human malfunction, and these days you can add a shitload of cash investment to that voice in a dim person's brain telling them that they need to be right, be best, at all times.
They think they're better because they have the "best thing", they're on the "best team", when in actuality they're just some intensely sad motherfuckers.

The problem you run into is that the stupidity never stops. It won't stop in any of our lifetimes, it'll just mutate into something else that's skullpoundingly idiotic as soon as you think a certain strain of it has finally died out.
If you're going to be angry about stupid people, you're going to be angry every second of every day.

Been there, done that, and once you're spending every minute wanting to hit someone until they shut up?
It's time to bow out. (Or go to prison. And I don't want to do that.)

You would be correct. It's the same back and forth, only spread over pages. Good for comedy, but not much else.

Yes, I do. Looking forward to getting it. First saw it mentioned in another thread, took a look and it's interesting.
And as a bonus, an action RPG that doesn't bore me into a state of virtual retardation sounds good.
Way to go, Diablo 3, your crowning achievement is making me lower my standards.

No worries, I didn't notice the dyslexia, and I'm not going to get too offended if you're not focusing intently and hanging on my every typed letter. -laughs-
Besides, rapid topic shifts keep me on my toes, especially when I'm wound up, caffeinated to hell and back and manic as shit to boot. =)
Are you looking for this per chance?

Edit: As I work a lot in Marketing, I love PPR and Buyer's remorse, when I see it. Though I've never seen a group display it more than gamers.
I simply adore watching people ripping each other to shreds, when they are manipulated by such simple things.

Btw Buyer's bias is the brain's counter measure against buyer's remorse. You subconsciously don't want to feel bad so you start argueing with yourself.
Post edited July 25, 2015 by GreenDamsel
GreenDamsel: Are you looking for this per chance?
That sounds about right. So much more eloquent than my explanation of "they're ultimately idiots".