j0ekerr: Afternoon/night to my friends and to those who will dance on my grave, which aren't mutually exclusive categories, but I digress. How are you doing?
So, a few days ago,I was mentioning the possibility of going back to college.
I went by the university this morning, turns out that I can hook back in any time. It works like this, during your first year you must pass a minimum of subjects. The amount is actually ridiculously low, it's either one core or two semester ones. Otherwise you're expelled.
Turns out I cleared 2 semestrials. That's also all I managed to clear which is the reason why I called it quits and went on to become a computer tech.
So what this means for me, is that all I need to do is present the forms and they will process my application, there are some formalities to clear. I don't want to say it's a sure thing, but it looks like they don't usually say no. The extra paperwork is mostly due to the degree's year plan having changed since I was there. Formerly it was 5 years, and got shortened to 4 to conform to european standard.
I hope everything works out without a problem.