Posted December 15, 2014

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 15, 2014

I'm so glad you've made this thread exist. Hope it'll last forever !! :D Hop, favourited.
I would watch your streams CarrionCrow, even if that's this shitty game about pigeons love again.
Do you know how long will last your videos ? And where you will upload them ?
I've bought Escape Goat 2, is it good (and hard) too ? I'm tempted, but I don't wanna lose my mind...
No clue about logistics for video stuff, not even sure where to begin, quite honestly. Just wanted to put it out here so I could essentially back myself into a corner and keep from chickening out. -laughs-
If Escape Goat 2 is like the first, it'll have two distinct game modes - the normal game, and then whatever they put after. The normal will go from easy to occasionally difficult by the end. The post-game, however, will be crushingly hard to beat from start to finish, with every level being a virtual nightmare.

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 15, 2014

I'm so glad you've made this thread exist. Hope it'll last forever !! :D Hop, favourited.
I would watch your streams CarrionCrow, even if that's this shitty game about pigeons love again.
Do you know how long will last your videos ? And where you will upload them ?
I've bought Escape Goat 2, is it good (and hard) too ? I'm tempted, but I don't wanna lose my mind...
If you've read any of his lively and spirited comments, you will know that It is an exercise in masochism, without rubber dildos involved. To some, that might be a good thing.
To some!
Coffee is a noxious beverage and an abomination on the world.
Unless we're talking about a double caramel triple moccha machiatto latte with cream and sugar.
Hmmm scrumptious.
Post edited December 15, 2014 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 15, 2014

I'm so glad you've made this thread exist. Hope it'll last forever !! :D Hop, favourited.
I would watch your streams CarrionCrow, even if that's this shitty game about pigeons love again.
Do you know how long will last your videos ? And where you will upload them ?
I've bought Escape Goat 2, is it good (and hard) too ? I'm tempted, but I don't wanna lose my mind...

If you've read any of his lively and spirited comments, you will know that It is an exercise in masochism, without rubber dildos involved. To some, that might be a good thing.
To some!

Unless we're talking about a double caramel triple moccha machiatto late with cream and sugar.
Hmmm scrumptious.
Also, you eating candy cereal is starting to make a lot more sense....-laughs-

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 15, 2014

Also, you eating candy cereal is starting to make a lot more sense....-laughs-
A red bull is fine too.
PS: If we're talking about american "black", I probably could drink that too, I think that's considered coloured water over here.
A espresso on the other hand...
Post edited December 15, 2014 by j0ekerr

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 15, 2014

Also, you eating candy cereal is starting to make a lot more sense....-laughs-

A red bull is fine too.

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 15, 2014

Also, you eating candy cereal is starting to make a lot more sense....-laughs-

A red bull is fine too.
PS: If we're talking about american "black", I probably could drink that too, I think that's considered coloured water over here.
A espresso on the other hand...

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted December 15, 2014

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted December 15, 2014


Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted December 15, 2014
AH-HA! The mystery is solved. The mysterious chemical substance that splashed Barry Allen as he got zapped by lightning was in fact police-precinct-brewed coffee.
Post edited December 15, 2014 by j0ekerr

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted December 15, 2014
Hey all. Let me hang up my coat.....
Okay, I'm on my favourite stool at the bar and ready for the first drink of the day. Its likely the conversation will go a bit fuzzy later on, but I'm among friends and if I'm too stoned to see where the toilet's gone I trust one of you to point me in the right direction.
Looking around, you all seem happy enough to be here - you don't even seem to mind my tin hat and weapons. Hell, you don't even mind letting the sale thread go before its time. Healthy. Who needs games when the talk is this good?
Right, Crow, pour me an ale and I'm ready to go. Ahhh, lovely.
So, what are we talking about?
Hey, j0ekerr - slide those nuts along the bar will you?
Okay, I'm on my favourite stool at the bar and ready for the first drink of the day. Its likely the conversation will go a bit fuzzy later on, but I'm among friends and if I'm too stoned to see where the toilet's gone I trust one of you to point me in the right direction.
Looking around, you all seem happy enough to be here - you don't even seem to mind my tin hat and weapons. Hell, you don't even mind letting the sale thread go before its time. Healthy. Who needs games when the talk is this good?
Right, Crow, pour me an ale and I'm ready to go. Ahhh, lovely.
So, what are we talking about?
Hey, j0ekerr - slide those nuts along the bar will you?

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted December 15, 2014

Okay, I'm on my favourite stool at the bar and ready for the first drink of the day. Its likely the conversation will go a bit fuzzy later on, but I'm among friends and if I'm too stoned to see where the toilet's gone I trust one of you to point me in the right direction.
Looking around, you all seem happy enough to be here - you don't even seem to mind my tin hat and weapons. Hell, you don't even mind letting the sale thread go before its time. Healthy. Who needs games when the talk is this good?
Right, Crow, pour me an ale and I'm ready to go. Ahhh, lovely.
So, what are we talking about?
Hey, j0ekerr - slide those nuts along the bar will you?
And good day. Things going well?

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted December 15, 2014
Greeting to you, adalia!
At the moment I'm wishing I didn't feel schizophrenic - the sale thread or here, the sale thread or here, the sale thread....
It depends if I want to talk about paint drying simulators or game streams of Crow going publicly insane.
Decisions, decisions...
At the moment I'm wishing I didn't feel schizophrenic - the sale thread or here, the sale thread or here, the sale thread....
It depends if I want to talk about paint drying simulators or game streams of Crow going publicly insane.
Decisions, decisions...

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted December 15, 2014
Lol. It is a bit confusing. Well, the sale will be over soon, and while I imagine the thread will outlast it we'll probably soon migrate conversation over here...