ElTerprise: Yes. Many people are traveling now and my last appoint was during the Rush hour which means the trains were crowded to say the least...
I hope the results are not too bad...but good to hear that you have your results now.
At least you are home now. Do you have much more work this week?
Thank you. My results were kind of mixed. I was getting tested for a few things, some were completely fine, but some where not. One is quite serious, but hopefully it will be okay if it does not get worse. If it stays stable then I should be good as new and back to how I was, just as long as it does not flare up again or get worse.
BillyMaysFan59: *puts on a helmet and attracts birds to face*
*sneaks in*
*grabs the peanut butter*
*Shoots the harpoon gun hitting BMF in the leg.*
*Drags him back into the thread and throws him in the 'Merican cage*
*Puts peanut butter back on the trap and reloads harpoon gun*
Good day! Are you doing well today?