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cecil: Swoops in and high fives all with my wings. Hope everyone is having a good timezone :)
ElTerprise: Good evening *high five*. Yes having a good timezone although it's getting rather late. What about you?

ddickinson: I think I will have to call it a night, even though I slept so long last night I am still very tired, and have been napping most of the day. I hope that gets better soon, I hate sleeping the day away.

I hope you all have a lovely evening and a very good nights sleep!

*goodnight hugs and silly waves*
ElTerprise: Good Night DD *big good night and get better hug*
Sleep well and see you tomorrow :)
I am good thank slow day but good :-)
Anyone left or did everyone go sleepy-bye?
EndreWhiteMane: Anyone left or did everyone go sleepy-bye?
Nah, I was just busy doing stuff on my computer other than forum wandering =)
Looks like I missed most of you today, but wanted to say hello! It's been an absolutely beautiful weekend. I hope you've all been well!

I'm sitting here in the dark with my favorite headphones on, playing Interstellaria, which I just adore so far. I hope all the sleepers are resting well. It's 10pm here and I'm about to put on another pot of coffee. I feel like some late-night gaming. :)
So eLicense isn't actually that bad, just a rather straightforward serial code service. I had to go through eLicense to get a game called Wrestling Spirit 3, a really fantastic text based wrestling game.

Now that I have it, I have a character who is chasing after Goldberg's undefeated streak record, she's currently at 119-0 and holds the World title in two different companies at the same time, and recently had a "Legendary" reign with a midcard title. Not bad, not bad at all.
akhliber: Looks like I missed most of you today, but wanted to say hello! It's been an absolutely beautiful weekend. I hope you've all been well!

I'm sitting here in the dark with my favorite headphones on, playing Interstellaria, which I just adore so far. I hope all the sleepers are resting well. It's 10pm here and I'm about to put on another pot of coffee. I feel like some late-night gaming. :)
Hi akhliber, always good to see you. Late-night for you, early morning for me, it's just after 4.30am and I've already finished a pot of coffee, time to make a new one.

Glad you're enjoying the game, it looks like a good one. Give Sarge a pat from me - and I hope that you're feeling better.

Hi to anyone else who is out there in the dark - or the light..

NoNewTaleToTell: So eLicense isn't actually that bad, just a rather straightforward serial code service. ..........
Oops, only saw your post after I posted. Hi to you N2T3, hope you are well. Don't know eLicense at all, I mostly stick to GOG and sometimes to the other place if GOG doesn't have the games I really want.
Post edited July 20, 2015 by ZenWan
CarrionCrow: That's the problem with physical possessions. They provide a sense of permanence along with the basic sense of
contentment that you have everything covered and taken care of.
But the more you have, the more bound you are to it all.
Fight Club comes to mind - "The things you own, end up owning you."

Have a good day, enjoy the view. =)
Hi to you Crow, I'm always happy when I find you online in my early morning, it makes my day. :-)

Those are some of the wisest words I've ever heard, thank you. Didn't know that quote, although I've heard of the film - but those lines will stay with me. I'll try to live by them from now on - bolded it in your post to remind me how important it is.

Makes me think of the George Carlin video I posted here a while ago. I think it's good enough to watch again.
akhliber: Looks like I missed most of you today, but wanted to say hello! It's been an absolutely beautiful weekend. I hope you've all been well!

I'm sitting here in the dark with my favorite headphones on, playing Interstellaria, which I just adore so far. I hope all the sleepers are resting well. It's 10pm here and I'm about to put on another pot of coffee. I feel like some late-night gaming. :)
ZenWan: Hi akhliber, always good to see you. Late-night for you, early morning for me, it's just after 4.30am and I've already finished a pot of coffee, time to make a new one.

Glad you're enjoying the game, it looks like a good one. Give Sarge a pat from me - and I hope that you're feeling better.

Hi to anyone else who is out there in the dark - or the light..

NoNewTaleToTell: So eLicense isn't actually that bad, just a rather straightforward serial code service. ..........
ZenWan: Oops, only saw your post after I posted. Hi to you N2T3, hope you are well. Don't know eLicense at all, I mostly stick to GOG and sometimes to the other place if GOG doesn't have the games I really want.
Good morning. =)

No surprise, being awake at 4 to 5 am pretty much demands a few pots of coffee, whether you've just woken up or you've been up all night.

Hopefully you're doing well as the new week begins.
EndreWhiteMane: Anyone left or did everyone go sleepy-bye?
BillyMaysFan59: Nah, I was just busy doing stuff on my computer other than forum wandering =)
gonna play some borderlands
ZenWan: Hi to you Crow, I'm always happy when I find you online in my early morning, it makes my day. :-)

Those are some of the wisest words I've ever heard, thank you. Didn't know that quote, although I've heard of the film - but those lines will stay with me. I'll try to live by them from now on - bolded it in your post to remind me how important it is.

Makes me think of the George Carlin video I posted here a while ago. I think it's good enough to watch again.
They're not my words, I just managed to remember them. -laughs-
All credit goes to Chuck Palahniuk, the author of the original book.

It's funny you mention Carlin. I have a double DVD sitting on my tower right now of his last two performances.
Managed to find it at the local Walmart, of all places.
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

No surprise, being awake at 4 to 5 am pretty much demands a few pots of coffee, whether you've just woken up or you've been up all night.

Hopefully you're doing well as the new week begins.
I am one of those strange people who is instantly wide awake when I wake in the early hours of the morning. But of course coffee helps to make the morning even more enjoyable. I woke at 3am, and gave up on getting more sleep, so headed for the computer. It keeps my mind from churning and stressing, if I am doing something useful - which I am inbetween posting here. ;-)

Hope you got some better sleep than the desk-sleep session, and are feeling a little better and more refreshed.

CarrionCrow: They're not my words, I just managed to remember them. -laughs-
All credit goes to Chuck Palahniuk, the author of the original book.

It's funny you mention Carlin. I have a double DVD sitting on my tower right now of his last two performances.
Managed to find it at the local Walmart, of all places.
Glad you like George Carlin also, I always listen to him with a wry smile, so much that he has to say hits home with a vengeance.
And I'll make a note of the author of the quote, as I didn't know that Fight Club was originally a book. It's certainly a life lesson well worth learning.
Post edited July 20, 2015 by ZenWan
ZenWan: I am one of those strange people who is instantly wide awake when I wake in the early hours of the morning. But of course coffee helps to make the morning even more enjoyable. I woke at 3am, and gave up on getting more sleep, so headed for the computer. It keeps my mind from churning and stressing, if I am doing something useful - which I am inbetween posting here. ;-)

Hope you got some better sleep than the desk-sleep session, and are feeling a little better and more refreshed.

Glad you like George Carlin also, I always listen to him with a wry smile, so much that he has to say hits home with a vengeance.
And I'll make a note of the author of the quote, as I didn't know that Fight Club was originally a book. It's certainly a life lesson well worth learning.
That's not a bad thing. Being dependent on stimulants just to wake up isn't great.
Eventually chemical tolerance builds up and you have to drink ridiculous amounts just to feel alert.

It's good that you have a way of coping with that stress. Being a nervous wreck in the middle of the night gets very, very old.

Yes, I did. Can't keep desk sleeping, it's a poor substitute for an actual bed.

Carlin is multi-purpose to me. He can engage in extreme silliness as well as extreme darkness, and manages to make people laugh either way.

Agreed. It's what people are pushed to do. Buy more, have more, replace it all with they're told is the best, newest thing, never reach an end point, don't stop to fully appreciate, keep wanting, repeating the cycle of consumption.
CarrionCrow: Agreed. It's what people are pushed to do. Buy more, have more, replace it all with they're told is the best, newest thing, never reach an end point, don't stop to fully appreciate, keep wanting, repeating the cycle of consumption.
Very true. I read somewhere that you should look at everything you own, then ask yourself 'Do I really need / really love this item?'

If the answer is 'no', as it often is, then it should be discarded. Sounds easy to do, but of course it's not that simple, at least not if you're a packrat like I am. ;-)

Hope the heat has died down a little for you, at least in the evenings, so that your cave is more bearable. Not good if your environment is overheated when you're trying to fight off a nasty bug.

Editing to say I think it was meant to apply not only to things you own but also to things you are thinking of acquiring.

Of course that wouldn't include games. <laughing>
Post edited July 20, 2015 by ZenWan
ZenWan: Very true. I read somewhere that you should look at everything you own, then ask yourself 'Do I really need / really love this item?'

If the answer is 'no', as it often is, then it should be discarded. Sounds easy to do, but of course it's not that simple, at least not if you're a packrat like I am. ;-)

Hope the heat has died down a little for you, at least in the evenings, so that your cave is more bearable. Not good if your environment is overheated when you're trying to fight off a nasty bug.
It's a good idea in theory, but once people start throwing money into the equation, they get skittish about discarding things they paid for, even if those items are now just more clutter in their lives.

My packrat tendencies manifest in my games. More than I need, enough for years, and still looking for more just to have them.

It's better than it has been. July's more than halfway over, so it's less than 45 days and the season will begin to shift in full.
CarrionCrow: It's a good idea in theory, but once people start throwing money into the equation, they get skittish about discarding things they paid for, even if those items are now just more clutter in their lives.

My packrat tendencies manifest in my games. More than I need, enough for years, and still looking for more just to have them.

It's better than it has been. July's more than halfway over, so it's less than 45 days and the season will begin to shift in full.
That's true. If you've paid a lot for something, it's hard to get rid of it, even if you hardly ever use it. So you end up paying more just to keep on storing it, mostly unused. Not logical, but people aren't always logical - even I, who rate logic very highly.

It helps if one can sell unwanted stuff, but that often isn't possible.

Smiling about your games - I edited my post to exclude games, thinking of you and others. Besides I'm sure you would answer 'yes' to at least one of the questions, so they would never end up on the discard / don't acquire pile.
Besides, it's easy enough to solve that using logic: 'I want it, therefore I need it.' QED.

Except for those you've beaten and really really hate, those you can feel good about discarding.

Glad it's a little cooler, hope it's all downhill from now on. We have had the longest extended period of really high heat that I can ever remember here, even considering that the summers are always hot, so I hope that will break soon.

Time to get ready for the cool cliff-top walk, that makes my day worthwhile. Hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.