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ddickinson: I am glad to hear you had a nice Sunday. Do you have anything fun planned for next week?

I don't really think I will be good as new by then, not judging by how severe some of the stuff is at the moment, but hopefully I will at least be well enough to go out for some nice walks and things like that.

*big happy tired hug for the always wonderful Owl*
Hmm... not really... Friends should have come and eat at home on Wednesday but they had to cancel... I should have go at my usual eat & knit event at the restaurant with my kniter-friends, but both of them are away, on holidays... I think I'll go to see my mom and my son (who will spend this week at their place, since I still work...) on Thursday... other than that, nothing special :)
Well, take all the time you need, as long as you get better and better it's fine ;)
Shouldn't we go to sleep now ?... it sounds reasonable. Anyway, I go !
Read you tomorrow, lovely DD !
Good night, everybody !! Sleep tight !!
**Big goodnight hugs all around, with extra sweet dreams and fluffly pillows**
ElTerprise: You're welcome. Good to know. I'll offfer smaller amounts next time then :D
There is no such thing as "smaller amounts"... It only gets bigger in America ;-)
AgentBirdnest: Noooo! Don't worry! ElT fixed me! It's okay!
**Crushing comforting hug**
Are you in Lego ???? >:'-(
LaPtiteBete: Good night, everybody !! Sleep tight !!
**Big goodnight hugs all around, with extra sweet dreams and fluffly pillows**
*big good night hug* Sleep well!
AgentBirdnest: *phew* ... that's very relieving. I hope she likes the star tattooed on my botto... hey, where did it go? :-O

*Agent now smells like peanut butter suspiciously more than usual* :-)
It must have washed off. I guess when I am better I will have to get my Chainsword and do a real tattoo for you. I could do it now, but I think I would just end up cutting your legs off again by mistake. :-)

*big hugs for the once again complete Agent*
moonshineshadow: You should put a top 5 wishlist info on the wiki :P
ddickinson: Be sure to make a top 5 list on your GOGwiki, that is what Owl did, although she was unaware at the time of the birthday tradition Moon has started (but which was masterminded by Agent). :-)
Alright. Will do that :)
AgentBirdnest: There is no such thing as "smaller amounts"... It only gets bigger in America ;-)
I Well in that case i should offer european amounts ;)
Post edited July 20, 2015 by ElTerprise
LaPtiteBete: Good night, everybody !! Sleep tight !!
**Big goodnight hugs all around, with extra sweet dreams and fluffly pillows**
Good night, Owl! Sleep well!
**Accepts a fluffy pillow and hug, and returns an extra big comfortable hug**
ddickinson: Be sure to make a top 5 list on your GOGwiki, that is what Owl did, although she was unaware at the time of the birthday tradition Moon has started (but which was masterminded by Agent). :-)
ElTerprise: Alright. Will do that :)
That was easy. I wish everyone would cooperate like you :D
LaPtiteBete: Are you in Lego ???? >:'-(
(errr... honestly, I've kinda lost track... I'm getting too tired to remember my own explosion and reconstruction :-p)

I'd better head to bed too. Goodnight everyone!
*Hugs, and... stuff*
LaPtiteBete: Good night, everybody !! Sleep tight !!
Bonne nuit Owl *big good night hug* Sleep well and see you tomorrow :)
AgentBirdnest: Of course it is the lovely French lady... She is holding them in that photo...
Hmm... This is interesting... We all know she is looking up my toga... but... do you think she wants to burn my toga to the ground, leaving me in just starred underpants? :-O

*hugged by pieces of Agent*
ddickinson: She could be planning that, but more likely she will pretend to drop them and ask you to pick them up, giving her a better view up your toga. :-)

*puts all the pieces of Agent in a big pot of peanut butter and watches him slowly merge back into a complete Agent* (Just like that bad guy from Terminator.)
Heeeeyyy >:-| ... Will you stop insinuate I'm a pervert owl ??
AgentBirdnest: I'd better head to bed too. Goodnight everyone!
*Hugs, and... stuff*
Sleep well :-) *big good night hug*
Post edited July 20, 2015 by moonshineshadow
moonshineshadow: That was easy. I wish everyone would cooperate like you :D
:D...well i like the idea. Why shouldn't i cooperate then ;)
LaPtiteBete: Hmm... not really... Friends should have come and eat at home on Wednesday but they had to cancel... I should have go at my usual eat & knit event at the restaurant with my kniter-friends, but both of them are away, on holidays... I think I'll go to see my mom and my son (who will spend this week at their place, since I still work...) on Thursday... other than that, nothing special :)
Well, take all the time you need, as long as you get better and better it's fine ;)
Shouldn't we go to sleep now ?... it sounds reasonable. Anyway, I go !
Read you tomorrow, lovely DD !
Good night, everybody !! Sleep tight !!
**Big goodnight hugs all around, with extra sweet dreams and fluffly pillows**
Sorry to hear your lovely plans have been cancelled. Hopefully we can all keep you company and make your week a little happier.

Time for sleep? But I have already slept for most of the day. :-) I will probably call it a night shortly as well, I have been trying to keep myself awake as it is.

Goodnight, sleep tight, and pleasant dreams!

*big goodnight hug*
LaPtiteBete: Good night, everybody !! Sleep tight !!
**Big goodnight hugs all around, with extra sweet dreams and fluffly pillows**
moonshineshadow: *big good night hug* Sleep well!
Good night, lovely Moon !!!
I hope you'll be more lucky with your work stuff tomorrow...
**Crossing feathers... and giving you extra good-luck hugs**
Sleep well too !!