ZenWan: Hope you're feeling at least a little better, Crow. Not surprising your mood isn't too good, if you're ill, although I see your wit hasn't been affected. ;-)
Perhaps you should be taking your own advice and resting? Just a thought, as I tiptoe briefly through the thread and on out again..
It's about the same, but I'm not too worried about it. I'll take a lot of vitamins and it will pass.
Yeah, that's me. Smart-ass to the end. ;)
If I get tired enough, quasi-narcolepsy will kick in and I'll just fall asleep here.
pimpmonkey2382.313: Thought I was damn near one earlier. The being dizzy and being able to feel my heart race without a hand on my chest freaked me out a little.
Sounds like you had good reason to freak out. That doesn't sound like the usual "damn, it's hot and I'm sweating my ass off" response to high temperature.