LaPtiteBete: Hooooo what a cute pic indeed !!! :D thank you so much.... and don't worry about answering my messages. You don't have to ; and if you really want to, then : no hurry !! :)
:-\ ... sorry to hear that. Was is because of your treatment ? tiredness ? ... or something else ?... I hope you'll get better, and quick. I guess some rest in bed and cuddling up in the sofa won't hurt you meanwhile, indeed... :) ... glad that your cold shivers are better, as you said,, it's something :) hopefully the rest will follow.
**Big comforting and encouraging 'get better' hug** It would be awesome if you could rest for 2 weeks... I know you won't, because it's difficult for you... but still.
**Some more friendly hugs** I think it's just due to what caused in on Tuesday, and maybe the medication. Hopefully it will not be long and I can be more mobile again. I hate been ill and stuck in the house. I can think of worse ways to spend the evening than cuddling up, so at least I will still have a nice evening. I am feeling a bit better, so hopefully I can move around more without feeling light headed. I had wanted to cook some dinner ready for when my partner gets home, maybe I will go give it a try and see if I am still getting dizzy.
I will try to rest, but I am just not the kind of person who likes to be cooped up. It's not so bad when I have my partner to keep me company, hopefully she has been able to get some time off work so we can spend some lovely time together.
*lots of big thank you hugs*