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Good... *forgets what day it is*... Saturday, everyone! :-)

I hope you are all doing well today and have a lovely weekend?

I am home alone for a while while my partner is at work. I woke up with such a very painful migraine (still got it, but hopefully the medication will kick in soon), I guess due to me not taking any painkillers while I was asleep. I was tempted to try to do without them, especially as they are messing with my head a little, but the migraines tend to make me dizzy and nauseous, plus I am under strict orders from powers higher than the God-Emperor himself. :-)

It seems I have an impostor, a possible (although very likely) scammer going by the name ddickins0n. I don't know, I am taken to hospital for a few days and you all replace me, and with a possible scammer as well. You are all so mean. :-)

*morning hugs*

EndreWhiteMane: Did I scare DD away with my comments?
You are a silly sweet man aren't you? :-)

Of course your kind concern did not scare me away. Sorry if my absence gave you that impression. You should never think that, you are a very kind and sweet person.

*big hug*

CarrionCrow: Certainly don't need to end up in a hospital on intravenous fluids.
I can attest to that *looks at bruises all over hand where the cannula was inserted*. I have to get mine tightly secured on, as I inadvertently try to pull it out while I am not fully with it. I got quite bad at that after I was attacked and off life support. The nurses ended up using so much tape to stop me from ripping the cannula out. They joked about getting a bed with wrist retardants, but they did not mind, they knew I was not doing it deliberately, and I think the also felt sorry for me. My hands and arms were a mess then, due to me pulling it out all the time. Luckily this last time I only did it once or twice, as i was a lot more compos mentis. I wonder why I have this involuntary urge to rip it out, I guess as it's a foreign object stuck in my veins. Or maybe subconsciously I do it in order to get all the attention from the pretty nurses. :-)
Good morning everyone!
Soccorro: Good morning everyone!
Good morning!

I have my own doppelganger just like you now (read my earlier post). :-)

How are you today?
Soccorro: Good morning everyone!
ddickinson: Good morning!

I have my own doppelganger just like you now (read my earlier post). :-)

How are you today?
Oh i'm good! :) read you have a migraine?
Soccorro: Oh i'm good! :) read you have a migraine?
Glad to hear you are doing good.

I have been having them for some time, but since Tuesday it got a lot worse. But the painkillers should take effect soon.

Did you sleep well?
Soccorro: Oh i'm good! :) read you have a migraine?
ddickinson: Glad to hear you are doing good.

I have been having them for some time, but since Tuesday it got a lot worse. But the painkillers should take effect soon.

Did you sleep well?
So-so. You?
ddickinson: Good... *forgets what day it is*... Saturday, everyone! :-)

I hope you are all doing well today and have a lovely weekend?

I am home alone for a while while my partner is at work. I woke up with such a very painful migraine (still got it, but hopefully the medication will kick in soon), I guess due to me not taking any painkillers while I was asleep. I was tempted to try to do without them, especially as they are messing with my head a little, but the migraines tend to make me dizzy and nauseous, plus I am under strict orders from powers higher than the God-Emperor himself. :-)

It seems I have an impostor, a possible (although very likely) scammer going by the name ddickins0n. I don't know, I am taken to hospital for a few days and you all replace me, and with a possible scammer as well. You are all so mean. :-)

*morning hugs*
*extra big get well hug* An imposter? Oh wow. I hope everyone realises it is an imposter. Not that it would work with people that write with you regularly.
Soccorro: So-so. You?
I actually slept quite well, but that is due to the medication. :-)

Does so-so mean you get a good badge or a just tried badge?

moonshineshadow: *extra big get well hug* An imposter? Oh wow. I hope everyone realises it is an imposter. Not that it would work with people that write with you regularly.
It seems to be a new approach the scammers are taking. I don't trade anymore, or ask for games, so hopefully no one will fall for any tricks.

And good morning! How are you today? Did you sleep well, do you get a special badge? :-)

I tried to do some house work earlier but that was a big mistake. It seems I am still not really up to doing much. And apparently I still look like death warmed up, which is a lovely thing for my partner to say to me first thing in the morning. :-)

*lots of big hugs*
Soccorro: So-so. You?
ddickinson: I actually slept quite well, but that is due to the medication. :-)

Does so-so mean you get a good badge or a just tried badge?

moonshineshadow: *extra big get well hug* An imposter? Oh wow. I hope everyone realises it is an imposter. Not that it would work with people that write with you regularly.
ddickinson: It seems to be a new approach the scammers are taking. I don't trade anymore, or ask for games, so hopefully no one will fall for any tricks.

And good morning! How are you today? Did you sleep well, do you get a special badge? :-)

I tried to do some house work earlier but that was a big mistake. It seems I am still not really up to doing much. And apparently I still look like death warmed up, which is a lovely thing for my partner to say to me first thing in the morning. :-)

*lots of big hugs*
Well, i did sleep. :D just woke up twice.
Soccorro: Well, i did sleep. :D just woke up twice.
Nope, you get the just tried badge. :-)
moonshineshadow: *extra big get well hug* An imposter? Oh wow. I hope everyone realises it is an imposter. Not that it would work with people that write with you regularly.
ddickinson: It seems to be a new approach the scammers are taking. I don't trade anymore, or ask for games, so hopefully no one will fall for any tricks.

And good morning! How are you today? Did you sleep well, do you get a special badge? :-)

I tried to do some house work earlier but that was a big mistake. It seems I am still not really up to doing much. And apparently I still look like death warmed up, which is a lovely thing for my partner to say to me first thing in the morning. :-)

*lots of big hugs*
*more big hugs* No special badge for me ;-)
And you are impossible, I think we need to tie you down to a chair or the sofa. You should rest! Since that is not possible over the distance we just need to keep you occupied with talk here so that you don't get stupid ideas *extra big you can't get away hug*
moonshineshadow: *more big hugs* No special badge for me ;-)
And you are impossible, I think we need to tie you down to a chair or the sofa. You should rest! Since that is not possible over the distance we just need to keep you occupied with talk here so that you don't get stupid ideas *extra big you can't get away hug*
I think you deserve a special badge. :-)

I was not trying to do anything too strenuous, just light house work. But I think I need to just take it east for a few days. I am not sure if it's the medication or the illness. My partner actually threatened to tie me up if I don't behave, or sedate me. She threatened to get some tranquillisers and just drug me up so I behave. I just told her that I think she is just using it as an excuse to drug me and have her wicked way with me. To which she replied that I would not need drugging to let her have her wicked way with me. Which is true. :-)

The light is really painful for me today, but hopefully once the medication kicks in this morning that will get a bit better. The painkillers do have a nasty side effect of making me feel like I am going to be sick, but after reading the list of possible side effects I think I am lucky to just have that. :-)

*lots more hugs*
Post edited July 18, 2015 by ddickinson
Hey everyone! *big hugs for all* I hope you're having a good start of the weekend? :)
FearfulSymmetry: Hey everyone! *big hugs for all* I hope you're having a good start of the weekend? :)
Hey Fearful!
moonshineshadow: *more big hugs* No special badge for me ;-)
And you are impossible, I think we need to tie you down to a chair or the sofa. You should rest! Since that is not possible over the distance we just need to keep you occupied with talk here so that you don't get stupid ideas *extra big you can't get away hug*
ddickinson: I think you deserve a special badge. :-)

I was not trying to do anything too strenuous, just light house work. But I think I need to just take it east for a few days. I am not sure if it's the medication or the illness. My partner actually threatened to tie me up if I don't behave, or sedate me. She threatened to get some tranquillisers and just drug me up so I behave. I just told her that I think she is just using it as an excuse to drug me and have her wicked way with me. To which she replied that I would not need drugging to let her have her wicked way with me. Which is true. :-)

The light is really painful for me today, but hopefully once the medication kicks in this morning that will get a bit better. The painkillers do have a nasty side effect of making me feel like I am going to be sick, but after reading the list of possible side effects I think I am lucky to just have that. :-)

*lots more hugs*
*big thank you hug* Cool badge :-)
I like the way you do the badges, what program and effect are you using?

And your partner is right to threaten you. I know it must be hard to not do anything but you clearly need a lot of rest at the moment *big hug*