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ddickinson: It seems we have Warhammer games on here. If I was not feeling so poorly I would be sacrificing some heretics to celebrate. What the hell, where are Soccorro and the little blob, those two chaos worshippers will be an good sacrifice. :-)

Please can you give a big +1 to the lovely Owl and Soccorro for their sneaky ninja gifting.

Hello, wonderful Owl!

Please be careful with the hug, I am not sure I can deal with a crushing hug just yet. :-)

How are you, have you had a lovely week?

*big as I can manage hug*

Good evening, ELT! *return hug*

Thank you. I am sure I will be fine, so no need to worry.

How are you? Have you had a lovely week?
Imma gonna hug you!
--Conversational Free-For-All Thread Song of the Day--

Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Song

ddickinson: snip
That's big. Sorry to hear that =(

hope things turn out for the better
AgentBirdnest: Evening good sir! I'm doing good. How are you?
Welcome back DD... Hope everything will be okay...
In a funny way you speak :P
but gald to hear that you're doing good - same although i'm really exhausted from work :)
ddickinson: Hello, wonderful Owl!

Please be careful with the hug, I am not sure I can deal with a crushing hug just yet. :-)

How are you, have you had a lovely week?

*big as I can manage hug*
Phew.... I'm so relieved to read you !!
Is your partner back at your side now ? she must have been so afraid... at least your parents were not far away... :-\
I hope you'll manage to take some much needed rest now.. Take care of yourself, wonder DD !! and don't do anything silly, as wanting to get back to work next Tuesday >:-| ... Or I tell your Doc. And your partner too ; so she'll come and bend your ears ! >:-p
(Wil this incident speed up things, and make you get your results more quickly ?...)
I have hundreds of things to tell you, but right now I'll only tell you that I'm really happy to see you again, and wish you to spend a long and restful night of sleep :)
**Big neverending but not too tight happy hug**
LaPtiteBete: Bon appétit !!! :D ho yeah it's your pizza day...
I'm there of you want to play before I fall asleep :)
Niko ?... :D I didn't see that one.... too many games !!! we get lost....
I've got 16... and already tried 5 :-p
**Happy relieved and comfortable hug**
Merci. It was très bien :-) [/Frenglish]
Cool... Let's give it a go then, shall we?
**Skips off to the forest holding Owl's hand**
Post edited July 18, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Has anyone played Niko: Through The Dream? It looks interesting, but I am wondering how short the game is, and how fun it is.

moonshineshadow: *extra big happy that you are back with us hug*
Thank you. *big hug*

How are you? Are you looking forward to your weekend? For some reason I thought it was Thursday, I think I have a lost track of a day this week.

AgentBirdnest: Welcome back DD... Hope everything will be okay...
*massive amounts of positive energy hug*
Hello, Mr Agent! *big hug and some fresh peanut butter*

Thank you. I am sure I will be fine. We farm girls are made of some tough stuff. :-)

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good today. Anything I can do to help cheer you up? I can't do much at the moment, but I will try?

(P.S. I got your lovely history message, but it make take me a few days to respond. But don't worry, I have not forgotten about it.)

ElTerprise: Well it definitely sounded worrisome but if you say you'll be fine i won't worry about it :)
Doing good here but i'm really exhausted this evening. Week was good :)

I'll send both a lot of +1s! :)
And why can't my partner be persuaded not to worry as easy as you? Probably because she can read me like a book. :-)

Exhausted? Is that due to work or sports?

CarrionCrow: Happy to hear that your partner will be watching you like a hawk so you don't overexert yourself when you need to rest.

Try to relax, heal up, get to feeling better.

Thank you. I am in good hands, she knows better than anyone how to make me behave. :-)

How are you? I hope you are doing well?
ElTerprise: In a funny way you speak :P
but gald to hear that you're doing good - same although i'm really exhausted from work :)
That's what everyone tells me... Am I that strange? ;-)
Hope you will get some good rest tonight. Will you be able to sleep in tomorrow?
Either you all type too quick, or I am very slow tonight. :-)

l0rdtr3k: Imma gonna hug you!

Sorry to hear you are so bored today. How about playing one of the new Warhammer games? Final Liberation is very fun.

*big hug*

BillyMaysFan59: That's big. Sorry to hear that =(

hope things turn out for the better
Thank you.

How are you? Have you had a nice week?

LaPtiteBete: Phew.... I'm so relieved to read you !!
Is your partner back at your side now ? she must have been so afraid... at least your parents were not far away... :-\
I hope you'll manage to take some much needed rest now.. Take care of yourself, wonder DD !! and don't do anything silly, as wanting to get back to work next Tuesday >:-| ... Or I tell your Doc. And your partner too ; so she'll come and bend your ears ! >:-p
(Wil this incident speed up things, and make you get your results more quickly ?...)
I have hundreds of things to tell you, but right now I'll only tell you that I'm really happy to see you again, and wish you to spend a long and restful night of sleep :)
**Big neverending but not too tight happy hug**
Yes, she came back home straight away. I feel bad about that, I know she was enjoying spending time with her sisters. I think I will be sneaky during the week while my partner is at work and try to arrange for her sisters to visit for a few days if they can. I know that will make her day.

She was very worried. I live quite close to most of my family. I was just lucky I was not walking around naked before I collapsed. That could have been embarrassing. :-)

You can't threaten me with telling the doctor, but you can with my partner, so I promise I will try my best to be good.

I am due to get my results next week, so it won't really speed things up. I did get some more tests done (and I have so many bruises where they had drips and kept taking blood :-( ), but I should get those results at the same time.

Thank you for the lovely welcome back. It really means a lot and has put a very happy smile on my face. I can't wait to hear your hundreds of things (I will be counting :-)).

*big boring hug because I'm too tired to think of something better*
ddickinson: Hello!

Thank you. I am in good hands, she knows better than anyone how to make me behave. :-)

How are you? I hope you are doing well?
You're very welcome.

Doing all right here, can't complain.
ddickinson: Hello, Mr Agent! *big hug and some fresh peanut butter*

Thank you. I am sure I will be fine. We farm girls are made of some tough stuff. :-)

Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good today. Anything I can do to help cheer you up? I can't do much at the moment, but I will try?

(P.S. I got your lovely history message, but it make take me a few days to respond. But don't worry, I have not forgotten about it.)
*hugs DD and eats every last bit of the peanut butter* thanks :-þ',',',,',''

Yes, I know you are a tough one... Good luck with everything. Keeping all my fingers crossed for you.

I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. Thanks for offering to help, but don't worry about it. Owl is taking good care of me :-) Just take care of yourself, alright?

(Take all the time in the world! Don't worry! :-))
*more big hugs*
ddickinson: And why can't my partner be persuaded not to worry as easy as you? Probably because she can read me like a book. :-)

Exhausted? Is that due to work or sports?
Probably - she just know much better :)
Today it's due to work. It was quite hot here and the trains were crowded because of the beginning summer holidays in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and because of a festival...
ddickinson: Snip
Wow. Hope you're ok. That all sounds pretty serious. Get all the rest you can and get better soon.
AgentBirdnest: That's what everyone tells me... Am I that strange? ;-)
Hope you will get some good rest tonight. Will you be able to sleep in tomorrow?
No...maybe you're Yoda :P
Thank you and maybe i can sleep in tomorrow :)
CarrionCrow: You're very welcome.

Doing all right here, can't complain.
That is good to hear. How are you liking the new releases?

AgentBirdnest: *hugs DD and eats every last bit of the peanut butter* thanks :-þ',',',,',''

Yes, I know you are a tough one... Good luck with everything. Keeping all my fingers crossed for you.

I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. Thanks for offering to help, but don't worry about it. Owl is taking good care of me :-) Just take care of yourself, alright?

(Take all the time in the world! Don't worry! :-))
*more big hugs*
I see, well then, if Owl is taking care of you there is nothing to worry about. You are in very safe wings. :-)

*big hug*

ElTerprise: Probably - she just know much better :)
Today it's due to work. It was quite hot here and the trains were crowded because of the beginning summer holidays in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and because of a festival...
At least you are home now. Do you have a nice relaxing weekend planned?

adaliabooks: Wow. Hope you're ok. That all sounds pretty serious. Get all the rest you can and get better soon.

I have not seen you in here for a while (unless I have just been missing your posts).

Thank you. I will try to get some rest, but I have never liked been cooped up.

How are you? Are things going well with work and life?
Post edited July 18, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: At least you are home now. Do you have a nice relaxing weekend planned?
Yes. Thinking of finally buying a new phone (OMG i nearly wrote Handy ^^) because i current one needs a replacement but otherwise i plan for a relaxing weekend indeed :)