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ElTerprise: Yes sure. Don't think i've a favourite yet because i was only able to try them when i was in Brussels some years ago. But i liked Leffe and some of the stronger abbey beers ;)
Didn't you try Tripel Karmeliet ?... It's one of my favourite !!! if not MY favourite :-p
LaPtiteBete: Hehe yeah baby B-| ... I was admin. Whole power. Now it's totally dead ... :'-|
What games have you in mind ?... :)
Wouldn't you like some beer, instead of your usual 'boring' water ? ;-p
A movie ? a show ?... nice !!
I don't know precisely... I might play a little... I must finish my work first... :-( pff.
Haha... hoot hooot {o,o} ... I prefer frogs than mice, I'm a French owl after all...
**Feathery fluffy hug**
Aw... poor Owl's forum :'-( You should totally start a new forum about peanut butter and waffles B-|
I had a few different ones in mind... I might continue Primordia or The Last Door (courtesy of DD), Shadowrun Returns (courtesy of the best Owl in the world), or finally launch Jazzpunk. I can't decide which one (help me! :-))
I'd love to try some of that Belgian beer that you have talked about. It sounds quite lovely... I'd probably get drunk after about 26ml n__n ... Water is good though. Healthy, replenishing, all that boring stuff...
Work first? Work shmork, get drunk and play a game! ;-D Good luck with everything... hopefully work/gaming/whatever you do this evening goes well :-)
Ho, that's right. I keep forgetting about the frogs, or maybe I keep trying to block it from my memory >__o
**Heroic US Ranger hug** B-|
pimpmonkey2382.313: Love all 3 of those types. :D
LaPtiteBete: Have you tried Belgian beers ? :) to me, they are the best in the world...
That being said... I never tried any of your American ones ;-)
No never tried any belgian beers. I am quite fond of canadian though. If you come anywhere near here I would buy you an american beer. :P
ElTerprise: Yes sure. Don't think i've a favourite yet because i was only able to try them when i was in Brussels some years ago. But i liked Leffe and some of the stronger abbey beers ;)
LaPtiteBete: Didn't you try Tripel Karmeliet ?... It's one of my favourite !!! if not MY favourite :-p
Beer!? eeeeewww... I need my honeymead!
ElTerprise: Hmmm...would you even recommend it to someone who's not an overly friend of TD?
I'd say to at least check out Youtube videos to see the gameplay. It's way, way more active than a standard tower defense.
Your character is running through the level as the enemies advance, so it's not just sitting watching the screen and placing more defenses in a sterile setting.
CarrionCrow: Additional - I know I've been bitching about games, so I'll recommend something that's actually good.
That title would be Orcs Must Die. It's a combination of tower defense and third-person action game where you set traps in between directly attacking hordes of enemies. Fun game, even if it does kick my ass a fair bit.
I've owned it from a bundle for ages, I'll give it a try. ;)
LaPtiteBete: Hehe yeah baby B-| ... I was admin. Whole power. Now it's totally dead ... :'-|
CarrionCrow: Hmm. You're one of the few people whose forum I'd actually frequent.
Because it's dead ? >:-\... lol ;-D
It was a really cool forum. Only people who knew in "real life" (former colleagues/friends) at the early beginning... then friends family and friends.... No trolls at all. It was our "virtual tavern"... :) ... good old days.
CarrionCrow: The way I look at it, there's always something bad to find in a game, no matter how good it is.
I usually say the exact opposite. I always find something good in a game, no matter how bad it is... Halo? Awesome music :-)
(Seriously though, I know what you mean :-p)
LaPtiteBete: Didn't you try Tripel Karmeliet ?... It's one of my favourite !!! if not MY favourite :-p
Yes. Tasted that. I think it was really good - although my memory is a bit foggy when it comes to that trip ;)...

CarrionCrow: I'd say to at least check out Youtube videos to see the gameplay. It's way, way more active than a standard tower defense.
Your character is running through the level as the enemies advance, so it's not just sitting watching the screen and placing more defenses in a sterile setting.
Well that's the problem i usually have with TD games (except for Defenders Quest - i really like that) so being more active sounds pretty good. But i think i'll watch some youtube videos but i'm not in a hurry..but thanks for the information..:)
CarrionCrow: Hmm. You're one of the few people whose forum I'd actually frequent.
LaPtiteBete: Because it's dead ? >:-\... lol ;-D
It was a really cool forum. Only people who knew in "real life" (former colleagues/friends) at the early beginning... then friends family and friends.... No trolls at all. It was our "virtual tavern"... :) ... good old days.
Had something similar once, only it was a chatroom.
Course, it all went to shit over time. Last time I looked was years ago, and it's completely dead.
Funny part is, looking at it now, I'm glad it's gone.
AgentBirdnest: I usually say the exact opposite. I always find something good in a game, no matter how bad it is... Halo? Awesome music :-)
(Seriously though, I know what you mean :-p)
Come on. Halo is not that bad. Aside from the highly annoying backtracking the game is quite enjoyable imho. But the music is really awesome :D
EndreWhiteMane: I've owned it from a bundle for ages, I'll give it a try. ;)
It gets frantic after a while, but I like it.
Another game that almost got killed from doing it multiplayer. By the time I got through chewing through the same crap with a partner, I'd gotten sick of it.
AgentBirdnest: Aw... poor Owl's forum :'-( You should totally start a new forum about peanut butter and waffles B-|
I had a few different ones in mind... I might continue Primordia or The Last Door (courtesy of DD), Shadowrun Returns (courtesy of the best Owl in the world), or finally launch Jazzpunk. I can't decide which one (help me! :-))
I'd love to try some of that Belgian beer that you have talked about. It sounds quite lovely... I'd probably get drunk after about 26ml n__n ... Water is good though. Healthy, replenishing, all that boring stuff...
Work first? Work shmork, get drunk and play a game! ;-D Good luck with everything... hopefully work/gaming/whatever you do this evening goes well :-)
Ho, that's right. I keep forgetting about the frogs, or maybe I keep trying to block it from my memory >__o
**Heroic US Ranger hug** B-|
Haha... I see that... Such a forum wouldn't have many members here... But if I do that, I'll appoint you to Peanut Butter Moderation ! ;)
I finished The Last Door a few months ago... where are you in the game ? :)
I haven't tried Shadowrun yet, but I can't wait :D
As you know, I'm playing Primordia too at the moment... I like it better than Gemini so far... too bad we can't play in mutliplayer... ! :)
Yeah, yoou're right ; water is the best for our bodies :) no doubt. But beer tastes better ;-p ... If you come in France, I'll offer you my favourite beer (and make sure you don't end completely drunk, drowned in the Deule).
Nah... i won't work, finally. All my beautiful motivation is dead and gone :-( ... I'll try to fix my old game boy first, while watching some Bones episodes, then play a little (Primordia ? ;-) or Terraria... I can"t decide)...
(and frogs are not so bad... but not awesome either :-) ... you should try once, by curiosity...)
**Big French pacifist hug**
ElTerprise: Come on. Halo is not that bad. Aside from the highly annoying backtracking the game is quite enjoyable imho. But the music is really awesome :D
Backtracking and copy/pasted rooms totally killed it for me. I spent two weeks getting through "The Library" because I couldn't play that level for more than 4 minutes a day without going insane :-p
If it were not for the level design, I'd probably call it a great game. The AI was quite good too, at least in my memory...
pimpmonkey2382.313: No never tried any belgian beers. I am quite fond of canadian though. If you come anywhere near here I would buy you an american beer. :P
I've never been in USA... or Canada... or any country in America... :)
I wish I had !... I want to see your great canyons... and New York... and your badass deserts... and your abandonned cowboy towns... and your giant trees... and your huge bridges... and San Fransisco. And Las Vegas. All that stuff :D
But it's so expensive to get there !! ... :-( pff.
Couldn't you just bring me a beer or two, instead ? :D I'll give you some belgian beers in exchange ; it's a good trade, promise !! ;-)
Soccorro: Beer!? eeeeewww... I need my honeymead!
Honeymead... so sweet ! :D
(are you Britain ? "breton" ?...)
Post edited July 16, 2015 by LaPtiteBete