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NoNewTaleToTell: Another nine or ten hours of deep sleep, I could get used to this! Good morning/afternoon/evening everybody.
LaPtiteBete: Don't come and taunt us !! :)
Here is your badge for this successful awesome night of restful sleep.
I'd been getting a light six hours sleep a night max the past few months so I think I'll brag just a bit more haha. I hope all of you are having a good day/night!
EndreWhiteMane: Aloha all, OK here and hope all of you are too.
Crow, you playin' Hong Kong yet?

Guess that should be have you pre-ordered Hong Kong yet?
Hope the game gets here with the developers financial trouble and all.
I didn't see the 'pre-order' and got all excited. :-)
CarrionCrow: Hey there. =)

I would be playing it if I could. Just wiped out another sub-par to average game from my pile.

-laughing hard- Yeah, there's serious concern, given how little money they have at their disposal. ;)

But seriously, it'll be the next thing I grab when I have the coin to do so.

How're you doing?
Last I heard they were in bankruptcy but still working from their homes.
Lot of dedication there if nothing else.
Good day here, nice weather, got some work done in the public gardens.
LaPtiteBete: Don't come and taunt us !! :)
Here is your badge for this successful awesome night of restful sleep.
NoNewTaleToTell: I'd been getting a light six hours sleep a night max the past few months so I think I'll brag just a bit more haha. I hope all of you are having a good day/night!
Doing all right here. Your picture of Bertram keeps reminding me that I need to start that again, in between everything else I have a niggling urge to play.
EndreWhiteMane: Last I heard they were in bankruptcy but still working from their homes.
Lot of dedication there if nothing else.
Good day here, nice weather, got some work done in the public gardens.
Harebrained Schemes? Where did you hear that from? They got 1.2 million off the Hong Kong Kickstarter and 1.8 million from Dragonfall before that.
Post edited July 15, 2015 by CarrionCrow
NoNewTaleToTell: I'd been getting a light six hours sleep a night max the past few months so I think I'll brag just a bit more haha. I hope all of you are having a good day/night!
CarrionCrow: Doing all right here. Your picture of Bertram keeps reminding me that I need to start that again, in between everything else I have a niggling urge to play.
EndreWhiteMane: Last I heard they were in bankruptcy but still working from their homes.
Lot of dedication there if nothing else.
Good day here, nice weather, got some work done in the public gardens.
CarrionCrow: Harebrained Schemes? Where did you hear that from? They got 1.2 million off the Hong Kong Kickstarter and 1.8 million from Dragonfall before that.
It was a long story which I can't find now. It's Cliffhanger Productions that declared bankruptcy and as a result all of Hairbrained's stuff got repossessed since they are associated companies.
I'm certain the article was on Hairbrained's site, maybe matters got resolved.
The article about Cliffhanger is here:
I think that was the developer of Shadowrun Chronicles Cliffhanger Productions which went bankrupt...
ElTerprise: I think that was the developer of Shadowrun Chronicles Cliffhanger Productions which went bankrupt...
That is correct, the banks were afraid of what would happen and closed Hairbrained down.
The story about it seems to have been removed from the site, which is probably a good sign.
EndreWhiteMane: That is correct, the banks were afraid of what would happen and closed Hairbrained down.
The story about it seems to have been removed from the site, which is probably a good sign.
Yes seems so. Didn't know that Cliffhanger and Harebrained were/are associated...
Post edited July 15, 2015 by ElTerprise
EndreWhiteMane: That is correct, the banks were afraid of what would happen and closed Hairbrained down.
The story about it seems to have been removed from the site, which is probably a good sign.
ElTerprise: Yes seems so. Didn't know that Cliffhanger and Harebrained were/are associated...
Harebrained Schemes, Catalyst Game Labs, and Cliffhanger Productions all seem to be closely related somehow. I haven't been able to figure out the how part yet.
EndreWhiteMane: Harebrained Schemes, Catalyst Game Labs, and Cliffhanger Productions all seem to be closely related somehow. I haven't been able to figure out the how part yet.
Apparently only via the Shadowrun licence...
Is chat not working for anyone else?
EndreWhiteMane: Harebrained Schemes, Catalyst Game Labs, and Cliffhanger Productions all seem to be closely related somehow. I haven't been able to figure out the how part yet.
ElTerprise: Apparently only via the Shadowrun licence...
Right. Harebrained does the Shadowrun Returns series, Catalyst runs the pen and paper game book development and Cliffhanger does an online Shadowrun game.
EndreWhiteMane: Harebrained Schemes, Catalyst Game Labs, and Cliffhanger Productions all seem to be closely related somehow. I haven't been able to figure out the how part yet.
ElTerprise: Apparently only via the Shadowrun licence...
Apparently that's true, this is the latest article I could find and it mentions Cliffhanger getting their stuff seized, NOT Hairbrained.
The Shadowrun site covers all games and devs, it's quite odd.

ElTerprise: Apparently only via the Shadowrun licence...
CarrionCrow: Right. Harebrained does the Shadowrun Returns series, Catalyst runs the pen and paper game book development and Cliffhanger does an online Shadowrun game.
Who owns the copyright to the universe itself?
Post edited July 15, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
ElTerprise: Apparently only via the Shadowrun licence...
EndreWhiteMane: Apparently that's true, this is the latest article I could find and it mentions Cliffhanger getting their stuff seized, NOT Hairbrained.
The Shadowrun site covers all games and devs, it's quite odd.

CarrionCrow: Right. Harebrained does the Shadowrun Returns series, Catalyst runs the pen and paper game book development and Cliffhanger does an online Shadowrun game.
EndreWhiteMane: Who owns the copyright to the universe itself?
Good question. Once upon a time, it was FASA. They were the creators, and I loved the shit out of them.
But then FASA went down and things got messy.
pimpmonkey2382.313: Is chat not working for anyone else?
Not working for me either... seems to be becoming a regular thing >:-/
EndreWhiteMane: Apparently that's true, this is the latest article I could find and it mentions Cliffhanger getting their stuff seized, NOT Hairbrained.
The Shadowrun site covers all games and devs, it's quite odd.

Who owns the copyright to the universe itself?
CarrionCrow: Good question. Once upon a time, it was FASA. They were the creators, and I loved the shit out of them.
But then FASA went down and things got messy.
Apparently Topps owns it now and the rest license it from them. What a mess. :-)

pimpmonkey2382.313: Is chat not working for anyone else?
AgentBirdnest: Not working for me either... seems to be becoming a regular thing >:-/
mrkgnao is refusing to use it anymore even for sending updates to Judas.
Pretty bad.
Post edited July 15, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane