EndreWhiteMane: Aloha all, OK here and hope all of you are too.
Crow, you playin' Hong Kong yet?
Guess that should be have you pre-ordered Hong Kong yet?
Hope the game gets here with the developers financial trouble and all.
I didn't see the 'pre-order' and got all excited. :-)
CarrionCrow: Hey there. =)
I would be playing it if I could. Just wiped out another sub-par to average game from my pile.
-laughing hard- Yeah, there's serious concern, given how little money they have at their disposal. ;)
But seriously, it'll be the next thing I grab when I have the coin to do so.
How're you doing?
Last I heard they were in bankruptcy but still working from their homes.
Lot of dedication there if nothing else.
Good day here, nice weather, got some work done in the public gardens.