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LaPtiteBete: Cool :D what games are you downloading ?
My day was a mix between "good" (day off work ! relaxing... with the owlet...) and "meh" (the owlet is ill)... now she's sleeping... I'm watching a TV show I don't know yet ("under the dome") and will eat soon, then play a game... that's good :)
Is it still warm at your place ?.... here it's been cold and rainy lately....
Well, there was good stuff at least. Sorry to hear you're having to deal with little ones being sick, though.

Read the book that was based on years ago. Never got around to watching the TV version.

It's cooler than it has been, but it's still warm if I leave the nice dark cave area with a fan that I spend most of my time in.

Have been going through my rentals, downloading bunches of stuff so I can work on my backlog there.
Stuff that stands out would be things like Deus Ex Human Revolution, Sleeping Dogs, Final Fantasy 3, the old Macventure games I picked up recently, Orcs Must Die, Alpha Protocol, Resident Evil 4, Company of Heroes, Dark Souls, the new X-Com, Just Cause 1 and 2, lots of stuff that managed to fall through the cracks while I've been focusing on acquiring more and more GOG games.
Post edited July 14, 2015 by CarrionCrow
LaPtiteBete: Good evening Endre !!
Glad to read you... even if I hoped you were doing better than "ok"...
Thanks for giving some news from Tom !!
**Big happy owl hug**
Aaaaaaaaaaw :-(
*grabs your tail*I'll not let go until you give me a non hurtful hug.
CarrionCrow: It's better than it was, by far. Maybe 20 degrees F cooler than it was at its worst.
It's about 31C at the moment, but I can be in here and not feel like I'm going to pass out.

Great bonus to my net upgrade, got a new modem. The old modem's power supply put out so much heat that the tech guy was telling me that other people were throwing them in freezers before using them so they wouldn't be so hot.

Bundles are interesting to me because I always wonder how much exposure a developer gets for being involved with them, and how that stacks up versus the perception that a product is only worth a few cents versus the 5 or 10 or 20 dollar retail price.

When it comes to GOG stuff, I don't buy any Humble bundle where items are offered here as well as the competition.
I'll just end up buying the same thing again eventually, so there's no point, and I'd rather have it here anyway.

Different people bring different things to the table. You love your partner, you're happier when she's around, so everything's better when they're present. It'd be weird if you didn't notice that when they're not.
I am glad the weather is not doing too bad. Hopefully it won't get worse as summer goes on. Is that safe putting a modem power supply in the freezer?

It would be interesting to see if a bundle helped with exposure and sales. I think we have a few people on GOG who are developers, I wonder if they have been part of bundles and would know about exposure?

I have purchased a few bundles, but only for things not on GOG. I am like you, I would rather wait and get it here. I tend to by more for other people than myself, not that I buy bundles too often. They are appealing though, so many games for such a low price. It's just a shame most seem to be Steam only.

We normally miss each other when we are apart, and at least it is only for a few days. I think as so much is going on at the moment that I am just finding it a little harder than usual. My own fault in a way, she did not want to leave me alone while going through all my medical stuff, but it was the only chance she had to see her family for a while, so I persuaded her to go and just have fun. I will be fine, so there is no point in her missing out on spending some quality time with her family.

AgentBirdnest: Yyyyuuuurrrrrkk >__o ... Well, to each their own... whatever floats your boat... one man's trash is an Owl's treasure... < Insert cliche here > ...

Yeah, I tried. I have a good feeling about tonight. Hopefully it will turn out better :-)

*one last hug before dying of awesome-food-overdose* :-D
I have heard that frog tastes like chicken. So my question is: why not just eat chicken? :-)

Well then, if you tried you get a badge. (see attached.)

*big life giving hug to revive you after you died of food overdose* :-)

FearfulSymmetry: Hey everyone! How are you all doing? I haven't checked in much these last few days, I've been busy with some other things. Anything major that I missed? :)

*big hugs for everyone*
Hello! We have missed you!

I hope you have been doing well and having lots of fun?

*big special hug*

LaPtiteBete: LOL... seriously, I'm surprised by the large amount of frogs owls can actually eat... ô__ô ... I didn't know.
Do frogs actually taste like chicken? And if so, does that mean frogs taste like chicken, or do chickens taste like frogs? :-)

EndreWhiteMane: Hi folks, doing OK just very busy with 'stuff' today.

ToxicTom says hello, he also has been too busy to post here.
He says he'll come visit us soon.

Glad everyone is at least OK today.
Hello, Endre!

Glad to hear you are doing okay. (Just okay? We will have to find a way to fix that.) :-)

*big hug*
ddickinson: I am glad the weather is not doing too bad. Hopefully it won't get worse as summer goes on. Is that safe putting a modem power supply in the freezer?

It would be interesting to see if a bundle helped with exposure and sales. I think we have a few people on GOG who are developers, I wonder if they have been part of bundles and would know about exposure?

I have purchased a few bundles, but only for things not on GOG. I am like you, I would rather wait and get it here. I tend to by more for other people than myself, not that I buy bundles too often. They are appealing though, so many games for such a low price. It's just a shame most seem to be Steam only.

We normally miss each other when we are apart, and at least it is only for a few days. I think as so much is going on at the moment that I am just finding it a little harder than usual. My own fault in a way, she did not want to leave me alone while going through all my medical stuff, but it was the only chance she had to see her family for a while, so I persuaded her to go and just have fun. I will be fine, so there is no point in her missing out on spending some quality time with her family.

I have heard that frog tastes like chicken. So my question is: why not just eat chicken? :-)

Well then, if you tried you get a badge. (see attached.)

*big life giving hug to revive you after you died of food overdose* :-)

Hello! We have missed you!

I hope you have been doing well and having lots of fun?

*big special hug*

Do frogs actually taste like chicken? And if so, does that mean frogs taste like chicken, or do chickens taste like frogs? :-)

Hello, Endre!

Glad to hear you are doing okay. (Just okay? We will have to find a way to fix that.) :-)

*big hug*
*pokes DD in the nose*Boop.
FearfulSymmetry: Hey Agent! Good to see you as well! Are you all right?
Yes, things are all right here. Nothing too exciting to speak of, but luckily nothing too terrible either. So... pretty good :-)
ddickinson: I have heard that frog tastes like chicken. So my question is: why not just eat chicken? :-)

Well then, if you tried you get a badge. (see attached.)

*big life giving hug to revive you after you died of food overdose* :-)
Pretty much everything tastes like chicken... so... why not just eat everything? :-D

Woo! A badge! Thank you! I think I have two of each now. I love quality :-)

*coming back to life, and giving you more hugs*
l0rdtr3k: *pokes DD in the nose*Boop.
It's not wise to poke a Battle Sister in the nose, little blob. :-)

*torches the little blob with my heavy flamer for poking me in the nose* :-)

AgentBirdnest: Pretty much everything tastes like chicken... so... why not just eat everything? :-D

Woo! A badge! Thank you! I think I have two of each now. I love quality :-)

*coming back to life, and giving you more hugs*
Rumour has it that if you collect a certain number of badges, then something special will happen. But no one knows just how many badges are needed before such an event. :-)

*big glad you are alive again hug*
Post edited July 14, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: It's not wise to poke a Battle Sister in the nose, little blob. :-)

*torches the little blob with my heavy flamer for poking me in the nose* :-)
*jumps on DD and continues to poke her*
l0rdtr3k: *jumps on DD and continues to poke her*
Do you really want me to put you in a jar and throw you into the Eye of Terror again? :-)
ddickinson: I am glad the weather is not doing too bad. Hopefully it won't get worse as summer goes on. Is that safe putting a modem power supply in the freezer?

It would be interesting to see if a bundle helped with exposure and sales. I think we have a few people on GOG who are developers, I wonder if they have been part of bundles and would know about exposure?

I have purchased a few bundles, but only for things not on GOG. I am like you, I would rather wait and get it here. I tend to by more for other people than myself, not that I buy bundles too often. They are appealing though, so many games for such a low price. It's just a shame most seem to be Steam only.

We normally miss each other when we are apart, and at least it is only for a few days. I think as so much is going on at the moment that I am just finding it a little harder than usual. My own fault in a way, she did not want to leave me alone while going through all my medical stuff, but it was the only chance she had to see her family for a while, so I persuaded her to go and just have fun. I will be fine, so there is no point in her missing out on spending some quality time with her family.
It seems to be getting better, somewhat. Any day where it isn't 100F is great to me.

Not sure if developers will release that kind of info on their business, but it'd be good to know.
On a personal level, I wouldn't get an item from a bundle if I wanted to seriously support the developer. For items like that, I'll pay retail.

It's hit and miss. Some bundles are all right, but quite a few aren't very good and generally serve to clutter up a rental account with items most people won't even play.

That response from you doesn't surprise me. If you ever feel like talking, I've got a half-broken chat available and I'm around most of the time.
ddickinson: Do you really want me to put you in a jar and throw you into the Eye of Terror again? :-)
Only if you hug me then I'll stop.
CarrionCrow: That sounds unpleasant. Did you manage to get their screwup fixed?
Eventually, although technically one day late. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed this won't prevent me from graduating on time.
LaPtiteBete: Was i offline ? really ... ? ô__ô ... strange. Glad to read you're fine !!! :) **big hug back**
It showed up that way for me, at least. :P *castle-sized hug*

ddickinson: Hello! We have missed you!

I hope you have been doing well and having lots of fun?

*big special hug*
Hey DD! It's really good to 'see' you again too! :) *enormous hug with a cherry on top* What's this I'm reading about hospital stuff? I think I missed that somehow. Are you okay?

AgentBirdnest: Yes, things are all right here. Nothing too exciting to speak of, but luckily nothing too terrible either. So... pretty good :-)
Well, as long as no bad things are happening I suppose it's good enough, right? ;)
Post edited July 14, 2015 by FearfulSymmetry
ddickinson: Rumour has it that if you collect a certain number of badges, then something special will happen. But no one knows just how many badges are needed before such an event. :-)

*big glad you are alive again hug*
*gasp* :-O ... I want those badges o__o I must have ALL the badges!! Hahahahaha >:-D
(what is happening to me? ,'',':-|)

*big... um... hug* :-)
FearfulSymmetry: Well, as long as no bad things are happening I suppose it's good enough, right? ;)
Indeed! That's my attitude, and it is working well :-)
Glad you are doing okay!
Post edited July 14, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Finally. Internet is working again....

LaPtiteBete: Danker, mein Deutscher Freund !
I hope it too..
**Big happy peaceful hug with bonus red wine**
Thank you :D *big return hug* Santé! :)
CarrionCrow: It seems to be getting better, somewhat. Any day where it isn't 100F is great to me.

Not sure if developers will release that kind of info on their business, but it'd be good to know.
On a personal level, I wouldn't get an item from a bundle if I wanted to seriously support the developer. For items like that, I'll pay retail.

It's hit and miss. Some bundles are all right, but quite a few aren't very good and generally serve to clutter up a rental account with items most people won't even play.

That response from you doesn't surprise me. If you ever feel like talking, I've got a half-broken chat available and I'm around most of the time.
You make a good point about the developers not really getting a fair share with bundles. I have only ever bought a few for myself, and only for games that were just casual interests, games that I would have never purchased at full price. If it's a game I really want, I tend to wait and hope that it comes to GOG so I can get it DRM free and at a price that is more fair for the developer. Unless it is a horrible publisher/developer, then I would probably not care about them getting their fair share. But those kind of bundles are usually Steam only. :-)

Thank you for the offer, but I will be okay. I notice I seem to be moaning a lot recently, I guess things are starting to take their toll on me. I tend to try to keep all that to myself. Take this whole thing with my partner being away, I feel like I have gone on about it way too much already, especially as she is only gone for a few days. It's nothing serious, yet I feel I have bothered people with my silly comments. It's likely I have not been bothering anyone, but that seems to be another factor that makes me think things are taking their toll, I tend to get weird about some things and over think them.

l0rdtr3k: Only if you hug me then I'll stop.
Nope. You have to promise to stop before I offer a hug? :-)
ddickinson: You make a good point about the developers not really getting a fair share with bundles. I have only ever bought a few for myself, and only for games that were just casual interests, games that I would have never purchased at full price. If it's a game I really want, I tend to wait and hope that it comes to GOG so I can get it DRM free and at a price that is more fair for the developer. Unless it is a horrible publisher/developer, then I would probably not care about them getting their fair share. But those kind of bundles are usually Steam only. :-)

Thank you for the offer, but I will be okay. I notice I seem to be moaning a lot recently, I guess things are starting to take their toll on me. I tend to try to keep all that to myself. Take this whole thing with my partner being away, I feel like I have gone on about it way too much already, especially as she is only gone for a few days. It's nothing serious, yet I feel I have bothered people with my silly comments. It's likely I have not been bothering anyone, but that seems to be another factor that makes me think things are taking their toll, I tend to get weird about some things and over think them.

Nope. You have to promise to stop before I offer a hug? :-)
I'm gonna poke you in your big forehead if you don't hug me