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LaPtiteBete: Thanks, lxamyakxim !! :D

>__o ... because I use extra expensive feathers shampoo !?...
**Big squishy pouic pouic hug**
*squeky toy sound*
l0rdtr3k: *squeky toy sound*
:D hihihi... **pouic pouic pouic pouic pouic pouic **
Bon 14 Juillet! \o/

Hope everyone is très bien!
AgentBirdnest: Bon 14 Juillet! \o/

Hope everyone is très bien!
\o/ hhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn my favourite FRENCH Agent !!!
What does it mean, "from United States" ? :-| ..... ??? you're french !!!!
**Big hug with French fries and wine**
[edit] aaah c'est beaucoup mieux !!! :D
Post edited July 14, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
LaPtiteBete: \o/ hhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn my favourite FRENCH Agent !!!
What does it mean, "from United States" ? :-| ..... ??? you're french !!!!
**Big hug with French fries and wine**
My favourite Owl \o/
United States? That was... uh... You know... They were trying to recruit me again, but I said "no way, France is the best" B-|
**Big hug with escargot... à la mode** n__o

How about some conversation? Do you like the staff picks? I forgot about them until an hour ago.
Good evening everyone and Happy Bastille Day for Owl and all other French people here *big hugs and waves* and extra *big happy hug* for Owl :D

How are you all doing?
Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

So this is what the forum looks like at this time of day? :-)

*exhausted hugs and silly waves*
ddickinson: Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

So this is what the forum looks like at this time of day? :-)

*exhausted hugs and silly waves*
Good evening. =)

The forum looks like me slowly filling my desktop with icons for rental games since I already downloaded all my GOG stuff and I'm not willing to do all that again just for fun.

How's your day been, aside from exhausting?
ElTerprise: Good evening everyone and Happy Bastille Day for Owl and all other French people here *big hugs and waves* and extra *big happy hug* for Owl :D

How are you all doing?
Merci, ElT! *big hug*

Doing well here, how about yourself?
ddickinson: Hello, ladies and gentlemen!

So this is what the forum looks like at this time of day? :-)

*exhausted hugs and silly waves*
Evenoon, DD! *big hug*
It's usually quiet at this time... but it's the revolution today! :-)
AgentBirdnest: My favourite Owl \o/
United States? That was... uh... You know... They were trying to recruit me again, but I said "no way, France is the best" B-|
**Big hug with escargot... à la mode** n__o

How about some conversation? Do you like the staff picks? I forgot about them until an hour ago.
Haaaa you're so funny with your big fancy mustache :D
You did the right choice, promise. Where do you live in France ? Hopefully not in Paris, it is full of Parisians... ^^
Some conversation sounds nice, yes !!! :D
I just bought "Albedo", which was on my wishlist since its release... (thhis is my excuse for this instant cheering-up bought !!) ^^
What about you ? and the staff picks ?... :)
**Big French hug which tastes like Croque Monsieur**
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)

The forum looks like me slowly filling my desktop with icons for rental games since I already downloaded all my GOG stuff and I'm not willing to do all that again just for fun.

How's your day been, aside from exhausting?
Good evening!

How are you today? Do you have a lot of games on Steam?

My day has been okay. I got finished a little early and decided to do an hour or so ground work on a pond in the garden, but I think that was a mistake given how exhausted I already was. But I made a good start, and it helped me get over the aspect of coming home to an empty house (which I know sounds silly, but I am very rarely separated from my partner, and the place is so quite and lonely without her.).

AgentBirdnest: Evenoon, DD! *big hug*
It's usually quiet at this time... but it's the revolution today! :-)
I picture Owl in full war paint storming the Bastille, setting everything on fire, and killing lots of French people. It was a good time, it gave the English a break from doing it. :-)

How are you today? Feeling well I hope?

*big hug*
ElTerprise: Good evening everyone and Happy Bastille Day for Owl and all other French people here *big hugs and waves* and extra *big happy hug* for Owl :D

How are you all doing?
**Enormous French happy hug for my German Friend and Neighbor ElT**
Thanks !!!
I'm doing good... could be better, if my little owlet wasn't ill... I hope it'll pass soon, I can't stand seing her suffering... :'-| but she doesn't complain much ; she is brave, just like her mom ):-| (lol)
--Conversational Free-For-All Thread Song of the Day--

Rag Doll
ddickinson: Good evening!

How are you today? Do you have a lot of games on Steam?

My day has been okay. I got finished a little early and decided to do an hour or so ground work on a pond in the garden, but I think that was a mistake given how exhausted I already was. But I made a good start, and it helped me get over the aspect of coming home to an empty house (which I know sounds silly, but I am very rarely separated from my partner, and the place is so quite and lonely without her.).
Doing okay here, just got back from the store. No matter how much I ask, no one from the local gas station/smoke shop is willing to make deliveries.

218 rentals there, which is surprising since I hardly ever spend money on anything but bundle purchases that are cheaper than dirt.

That isn't silly. There's a world of difference between being home and someone you care about being there and it being empty.
AgentBirdnest: Merci, ElT! *big hug*

Doing well here, how about yourself?
Doing good here as well :)

Concerning the revolution: Do you hear the people sing (well technically the wrong french revolution but it nevertheless fits ;)
Post edited July 14, 2015 by ElTerprise