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CarrionCrow: (...)
Hello Crow. How are you doing?
CarrionCrow: You know what bothers me?

People who never shut the fuck up about it.
People who want their scars to be worshipped, or pitied, or noticed all the time.

That's not you.
I kind of feel like I qualify for the first point, which is why I try to limit how often I talk about my problems. It's not my intent to bother anyone with my problems, or to keep going on about them, which is why I tend to not tell most of them and just keep them to myself. In hindsight I should have not let slip about my tests to begin with, but that ship has sailed now.
ElTerprise: Hello Agent *big hug*
Glad to hear that you're doing good - same here :)
Good evenight, ElT *big happy return hug*
That's good to hear!
ddickinson: Glad to hear you are doing good. Did you have a nice weekend away from the computer? I hope you are listening to French music, what with you being French and all. :-)

Thank you, I am sure things will get better.

*extra special return hug for the awesome Agent*
Nope. That's why I was offline- not feeling well. Much better today though :-)
Actually, yes, I am listening to French music! I'm listening to Woodkid at the moment :-D
AgentBirdnest: Nope. That's why I was offline- not feeling well. Much better today though :-)
Actually, yes, I am listening to French music! I'm listening to Woodkid at the moment :-D
Sorry to hear you have not been feeling too well. But I am glad you are feeling better now. Woodkid? Never heard of them, but that's not surprising, my knowledge of music these days is about as good as my knowledge of TV and movies.
CarrionCrow: (...)
ElTerprise: Hello Crow. How are you doing?
Good evening. =)

Can't complain here. Downloading some games, enjoying a beverage, thinking about maybe changing my avatar.
Nothing exciting.

How was your day?
ddickinson: I kind of feel like I qualify for the first point, which is why I try to limit how often I talk about my problems. It's not my intent to bother anyone with my problems, or to keep going on about them, which is why I tend to not tell most of them and just keep them to myself. In hindsight I should have not let slip about my tests to begin with, but that ship has sailed now.
You worry too much.

As far as the other goes, say as much or as little as you want. That's your call.
Post edited July 14, 2015 by CarrionCrow
ddickinson: Sorry to hear you have not been feeling too well. But I am glad you are feeling better now. Woodkid? Never heard of them, but that's not surprising, my knowledge of music these days is about as good as my knowledge of TV and movies.
Bah, it was nothing... and thanks :-)
I know almost nothing about current music, but I'd better know the music that my supervisor likes ):-|
--Conversational Free-For-All Thread Song of the Day--

Who wants to..... Get Lucky????
CarrionCrow: You worry too much.

As far as the other goes, say as much or as little as you want. That's your call.
I would not say I worry about it, I just think people have their own things to deal with, and people have things a lot worse than I do, so I try not to complain too much. Not that I really have much to complain about, yeah I have some hard times, but I have a lot to be thankful for. That kind of out weighs all of the bad stuff, which is why I generally don't let the bad stuff bother me too much.

AgentBirdnest: Bah, it was nothing... and thanks :-)
I know almost nothing about current music, but I'd better know the music that my supervisor likes ):-|
I guess all the French culture helps you adapt to your new nationality. :-)

BillyMaysFan59: --Conversational Free-For-All Thread Song of the Day--

Who wants to..... Get Lucky????
Good day, BMF!

How are you today? Doing well I hope?
Post edited July 14, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: Hello! *more big hugs*

I miss you as well, it seems like ages since we last talked (even though it has only been a few days). I am okay, had better days, but okay (read back a page for more details, as I feel bad for keep mentioning my problems and bother people with them).

I am glad to hear you are well. You are not looking forward to storming of the Bastille and killing some French people? :-)

I hope your day off will be lovely and relaxing. How are your adorable Owlets?

*big Bastille day hug*
Yes... only a few days :) but they lasted too long !!
Hm... glad to read you're doing well, but I miss your "great" too... :-\
So you spent a lot of time in hospital ? :-\ ... but these should be the last tests... do you know when you'll get the results ?... and you never bother me, at least you can bother me as much as you want :D you know where my sh*tty-chat is...
My owlets are fine, thanks !! (well, the eldest one has lice... >__< pouarkh !!!! we can't get rid of them... humpf... I almost shaved his head 2 days ago but he didn't want :D)
**More happy hugs with some fresh tea**
ElTerprise: Boinsoir Owl *big hug*
Happy Bastille Day :)

How are you doing?
Hello ElT !!!
And thanks !!! :D
**Happy patriotic hug**
I'm good ! what about you ??
l0rdtr3k: I'm here.Playing with your tail,being slimmy and making cute random noises.
**Crushing little blob to obtain different noises** :D
Post edited July 14, 2015 by LaPtiteBete
CarrionCrow: Can't complain here. Downloading some games, enjoying a beverage, thinking about maybe changing my avatar.
Nothing exciting.
Those parts in bold are conflicting, in my opinion :-)
Always fun for me when I change mine, but I usually change it back after 4 hours...
ddickinson: Good day, BMF!

How are you today? Doing well I hope?
good evening =)

Nothing I can complain about, like always.
AgentBirdnest: Hahaha... I probably would have peed my pants if I were there... Freaky... and awesome of course :-o
Aw... fine, I'll stop. You just don't like anything, do you? >:-p You'll probably tell me you hate peanut butter next...
Of course I like things :D
Ok, send me your top-5 men and women in PM and I'll do the same, ok ? no cheat :D
I don't "hate" peanut butter, I just don't see the point of it :D (don't hit me !!!) >__o
I mean, I already have awesome chocolate to spread on everything ! \o/ what else could I want to eat...
ddickinson: I would not say I worry about it, I just think people have their own things to deal with, and people have things a lot worse than I do, so I try not to complain too much. Not that I really have much to complain about, yeah I have some hard times, but I have a lot to be thankful for. That kind of out weighs all of the bad stuff, which is why I generally don't let the bad stuff bother me too much.
People always have their own things. Being able to set them aside to be there for others is the difference between empathy and self-absorption.

Considering the good against the bad is the right approach, I think, but you don't have to clamp down on the bad and never express it.
AgentBirdnest: Good evenight, ElT *big happy return hug*
That's good to hear!
Thank you :)
BTW: Interviewed the Mormons again ;)
CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)

Can't complain here. Downloading some games, enjoying a beverage, thinking about maybe changing my avatar.
Nothing exciting.

How was your day?
Glad to hear that. Doing good here.
LaPtiteBete: Yes... only a few days :) but they lasted too long !!
Hm... glad to read you're doing well, but I miss your "great" too... :-\
So you spent a lot of time in hospital ? :-\ ... but these should be the last tests... do you know when you'll get the results ?... and you never bother me, at least you can bother me as much as you want :D you know where my sh*tty-chat is...
My owlets are fine, thanks !! (well, the eldest one has lice... >__< pouarkh !!!! we can't get rid of them... humpf... I almost shaved his head 2 days ago but he didn't want :D)
**More happy hugs with some fresh tea**
I am sure my great will be back soon. But maybe not this week. My partner is visiting her family until Friday, so I am all alone on the evenings. I don't like coming home to an empty house. :-(

I should get my appointment date later in the week, then I will find out most of the results. Hopefully it will be nothing too bad. I know you don't mind me bothering you, but I just don't want to keep going on about my little problems on the thread.

French lice? I hear they are very resilient. :-)
I hope you get the problem sorted soon. Do you have all the lice medication we have over here for kids? They seem to work pretty well, but I have never really had and experience using them. (Just wait until he is asleep, then get your Agent to help you shave your eldest Owlets head then. If he doesn't like it you can blame Agent :-)).

*big thank you hug with extra special hot chocolate*